An unfriendly warning

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Making her way to the Gryffindor dormitories, Caitlin climbed step by step, her feet springing, skipping one every time.

"Miss Kingsley...why must you always strut like a child" came a drawling voice from behind her.
Arms crossed, in a neutrally bored look, Snape stood a few steps down waiting for the girl to turn around.

He had always admired Caitlin, yet never cared to admit it directly. The fact that her parents had cast her aside at a young age, over something completely out of her control, tugged at what little heart strings Snape possessed.

Stopping in her tracks, she rolled her eyes, still facing away from the Professor as she crossed her arms over her chest and span around with an annoyed face.

"Must you always strut so miserably...professor" she teased, adding the end title, realising they were still in public,not wanting to to disclose their mild 'friendship' to other students.

Raising his eyebrows in fake surprise, lips quirking to the side slightly in amusement, he began walking up the stairs slowly. Walking straight past her, leaving her in a state of confusion as she followed his movements with her gaze.

"Are you coming Kingsley? We have a few things to discuss" he asked over his shoulder,in a monotone voice.

She stood, completely perplexed. He had never discussed much with her...unless it was life or death. Which,usually in Hogwarts, it is always was.

She began to follow behind the billowing cloak, attempting to comprehend what on earth he would NEED to tell her so early in the was literally the first day.
As she walked sheepishly behind him, she got identical looks from passing students, containing the same confused look as her.

When finally making her way into the dungeons and stepping through the dark, oak door of Snape's office, she cautiously took a seat on the other side of his desk. Her brows furrowed permanently as she took in Snape's serious impression, fingers intertwined as he placed them against the leather book lay in front of him, leaning forward slightly as he gaged her expression.

" gonna explain what this is about? Or you just gonna sit there silently" caitlin questioned, her eyes falling into a bored annoyance as she slumped back in the uncomfortable chair.

"No need for the attitude, I am..of course...speaking in your best interest" he said slowly staring intensely into her eyes.

"So far sir, you haven't actually said anything" she stated sarcastically, becoming impatient, as she threw her arms up, gesturing to him.

Snape rolled his dark eyes, whilst lifting a hand up to silence her.

"Lupin...just be aware. He is...well...incompetent to say the least" he said, emphasising each syllable of the word 'incompetent'.

"Lupin??? You dragged me in here, getting me all worked up, being all mysterious. over the new teacher??? Are u serious?!?!" She question a tad too loudly, more angry at the rude remark that had left his mouth over the,more than capable man, that she had found swimming through her mind much too often than she cared to admit.

"Well I apologise if I caused you any apprehension Kingsley...however...I am stating obvious facts... the man is not what he seems...just be aware, don't fall for the idiotic persona he gives off, it's a facade" he said calmly, leaning back in his chair as if he had accomplished something. However this sense of achievement soon washed away at the sight of her eyes narrowing and shaking her head slowly, staring at him as if he had spat venom.

"Are you deluded? Sorry sir, but if u knew what that man had accomplished on the train this afternoon you would not be saying such things" she scoffed.

"Well anyone can perform a patronus of all people should know that" he drawled, rolling his eyes once more whilst looking away, once again bored.

"And that's my queue to leave. You don't know what your talking about...nor do you know the amount of effort it takes to conjure such a strong patronus... you didn't see it...sir. Goodnight!"

And with that, she walked abruptly out of his office and straight up the common room. Leaving Snape still sat behind his chair in mild shock at her little outburst.
She stormed back to the portrait of the fat lady.His words swimming through her mind,questioning herself on the reaction she had found herself in.


Surely not. She had saw the work he had performed. She witnessed his capabilities just from one spell. Unless Snape wasn't talking about technical capabilities?

His words and face conveyed it as if the issue he had with Remus was personal? But how could they possibly be? And even if they were, what could he have possibly done to cause Snape to go out of his way to warn her? He was such a kind man.

Yet again... she barely even knew him.

Her head was spinning when she got to her dormitory. Trying to piece together the small facts she had, but with no luck.
Her mind was much too tired and her body much too weak from the very eventful day that had passed.

Collapsing onto her bed, she stared up at the ceiling, still in her robes and drifted into an uneasy sleep, her dreams tormented by scenarios of an opposite lupin, harsh and violent. Taking a wicked form like no other she had ever laid eyes on before.

She was seriously overthinking this.

Unaware, that on the other side of the castle, in his small sleeping quarters, filled to the brim with parchment and books,both wizarding and muggle, clothes slung over pieces of furniture, an out of breathe, sweaty, Remus lupin had been jolted from his slumber much too abruptly.
His chest heaving up and down, breathe rigid and uneven as he shot up into a sitting position.
His heart raced as he tried to take deep,calming breathes to slow it down.
His mind spun, as his chest began to ache with guilt and disgust, reassuring himself that it was no in fact reality.
It was just a dream.
He would never hurt her.
Or anyone in this school.

Uploaded a bit late in the day I know :( I got excited about this chapter though and had to share 😂
Hope your enjoying :)

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