Hogwarts express

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The sun shone through the dust painted windows, heating Caitlin's sleeping face causing her to scrunch her eyes shut as she woke all too reluctantly.

She packed the bag she would take on the train with her, her suitcase neatly stood next to the door, at the side of Revi, the content barn owl, sleeping peacefully in his cage. She placed her old copy of her favourite muggle book, 'Pride and Prejudice', in her bag along with a chocolate frog and small bottle of Firewhiskey. She knew as soon as Fred, George and herself got on that train they would want to celebrate properly and in good fashion.

"You ready to go Caitlin?" she heard Fred's voice come from the other side of her door with a slight knock.

With a quick intake of a steady breathe, Caitlin made her way to the door swinging it open with a huge grin looking directly at the Weasley boy.

"Last year of school...here I come" she breathed throwing an arm over Fred's much taller shoulder as they headed down the stairs to greet the rest of the red heads, her luggage floating swiftly behind her.

After Arthur cautiously explained why they were travelling to the train station by ministry cars, they made there way there. Ron still questioning their transport method, whilst Caitlin sat uncomfortably knowing. Harry caught her eye, noticing her shifty appearance and gave her a questioning look. She just shook her head in response hoping the boy would take her reassuring shake as if nothing was wrong.

It was a short drive to the train station, and eventually they had passed through the wall and found themselves stood on platform nine and three quarters once more.

Caitlin stood there taking in the nostalgic feeling, as she looked around at the different range of families saying goodbye to their children for another year of Hogwarts. The large puff of smoke leaving the grand steam engine, filling her nose with a pleasant sensation of returning home.

The acknowledgment that this would probably be the last time that she would aboard the Hogwarts Express finally sunk in and she felt her chest clench at the thought. As tears threatened to brim her eyes she felt a strong, reassuring hand press firmly against her shoulder.

"Now I shouldn't have to ask you this, but I'm sure you will keep safe this year yes?" came Arthur Weasley's voice from behind her.

Caitlin let out a small chuckle turning round to face the older man with bright red hair and kind eyes.

"No promises Mr. Weasley" she teased. "I intend to leave Hogwarts with a bang!"

The kind man shook his head as he let out a small laugh.

"Take care of your self dear. And don't forget if you need anything we are only an owl away" he stated, now with both hand on each of her shoulders looking down at her with a smile before pulling her into a small hug.

"Thankyou Arthur" she breathed, appreciating the man's kind presence.

"See you at Christmas dear!" He called as she walked to Fred and George who were both boarding the train.

Mr. Weasley, who now was accompanied by his wife, gave their children a small wave as they got on board, waving back with big grins.

After finding an abandoned compartment Caitlin flung her bag onto the railing above and collapse on to the cushioned bench with a huff. Before she could relax she felt two arms wrap around her and her body being tightly squeezed.

"Caitlin! Oh my god how was your holiday? I missed you!" Came the familiar voice as they still clung to Caitlin's stiff body, pinning her arms to her side.

"Liv...can't...breathe" she muttered in a strained voice.

Liv let go of her friend with an apologetic look and brushed her cloak down to remove the creases caused by the excited hug.

Complicated (r.j.lupin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora