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A few days had passed, and Caitlin had been given Madam Pomfrey's reluctant permission to go back to her dormitory, however along with the speech about how she shouldn't take too much on at once and to relax when getting there.

She muttered the password to the fat lady, as she limped down the corridor, a bruise swelling her cheek bone and her stomach wrapped around with one arm.

She had spent around 3 days in the hospital wing, each day Remus had shown up and snuck her some chocolate under Pomfrey's nose and caught her up on the work she was missing in class. Fred, George and Liv had also visited her once or twice. The first time they snuck in at night, a bottle of firewhiskey shoved in their pockets as they shook Caitlin awake, they sat giggling all night, George sat in Remus' chair (which is how she was accustomed to it), his feet thrown up on the bed and Fred and Liv lay at the bottom. But the next time was just during the day whilst Remus was teaching her in his free hour. They walked in to see the pair giggling at something and the boys shot Caitlin a very confused look, Liv on the other hand had a grin brighter then she had ever seen. Remus excused himself quickly, greeting the three and made his way out of the door, turning back to give Caitlin one last smile as he found her eyes still glued to his back.

Snape however, did not visit. Not once.

It bugged her how he had stormed in all wands blazing, not even seeing if she was okay, just heading straight for the attack. She promised herself that when she finally got out she'd put him straight.

The heat of the common room wafting in her face as a burst of applause and cheering erupted causing her to look up in surprise at the crowd of Gryffindors, wide grins spread across their face as they looked in her direction. She turned around quickly, seeing if there was anyone behind her but there was not. They were applauding for her. Fred and George stood at the front of the crowd waving, beaming from ear to ear and she realised that this was definitely there doing. She rolled her eyes then burst out laughing when they continued cheering as she made her way up to her room. Quickly slamming the door behind her and leaning back on it with a huge grin, she exhaled deeply and opened her eyes to see a bright faced Liv sat on her bed.

"Ladies and gentle men...Boys and Girls...Caitlin Kingsley has entered the building!!" she shouted in a loud booming voice, causing Caitlin to burst into fits a laughter, her stomach aching with joy.

"Merlin...I had no idea I had been missed so much" she laughed.

"Of course you have!" Liv beamed back, now standing up and ruffling her hair playfully.

She grabbed her hand and pulled her to the nearest bed, sitting her down and now turning serious, her eyes searching Caitlin's face as if trying to find an answer to something.

"I am your best friend" she stated simply but Caitlin knew there was more as she furrowed her brows, and tucked her legs under her on the bed, preparing her self for the question to come. She was way to tired for this.

"Are you...or are you not...shagging Lupin" she asked calmly causing Caitlin to choke on the air entering her lungs. She felt her cheeks flush red and she began to get extremely sweaty.

She wasn't in the slightest. So why the hell did she feel so guilty?

"God no! He's our teacher Olivia" she exclaimed in a much to high voice.

"Okay okay.." she raised her hands in surrender "I just had to ask"

"Why on earth did you have to ask THAT"

"Oh Caitlin come on.." she replied tiredly as if it was obvious.

"What?" she replied suspiciously

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