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"Miss Kingsley! Do you mind opening the door please!"

She shot her head up, it thumped into his chin,causing a groan to escape his mouth as he rubbed it tiredly.
"What was that for!" He grunted.
"We fell asleep!!" She whispered, quickly hurrying to her feet and unlocking the door before scanning the room quickly and opening it slightly, leaving a slight crack so she could peer out.
"Yes Professor?" She said politely, looking innocently at Professor Mcgonagall with a small smile.

"Miss Kingsley...we have searched the entire school and there is no sign of Sirius Black anywhere, we do believe it is safe for you to return to your common room now" she stated, craning her head slightly to peer through the door.

Caitlin could hear Remus shuffling about behind her, and kept her grip firmly on the handle.

"Great! Thanks I'll be out in a minute" she stated, shutting the door in her face and turning to Lupin who stood quite oblivious to what was going on. She took in his dishevelled appearance and burst into laughter.

"We are so done for" she chuckled, walking over to him, fixing his askew tie and flattening down his messy hair.

"Thankyou" he groaned, running a hand over his face as he tried to wake up properly.

Caitlin noticed his struggle and smirked widely at the idea that popped in her mind. She stood on her tiptoes and leaned her lips towards his ear.

"Me lay flat against your desk, stark naked, with nothing but my school skirt on" she whispered.

Remus' eyes shot wide and his cheeks blushed furiously.

"Okay....I'm awake" he nodded, grabbing her face wantingly and slamming his lips onto her hers, his one hand travelling down to grab her hip and tugging her closer to his body as his tongue asked forcefully for entrance.

She let out a small giggle against his lips and pushed him away by his chest.

"Now now professor...Mcgonagall is stood outside waiting for me" she teased.

He let out a pained groaned, yet his face was graced with a boyish grin.

"Tease" he muttered to her, his eyes narrowing before he placed one last kiss on her soft lips and made his way behind his desk, trying his best to hide the excitement she had caused as he adjusted himself discreetly.

She winked at him cheekily and opened the door once more,
"Sorry about that Professor, Professor Lupin was just telling me about Harry and I wanted to be informed properly before I left" the door now wide open,revealing Remus sat behind his desk giving Mcgonagall a charming yet slightly uncomfortable  smile.

"Well I suppose that is okay then" she replied sarcastically, "now thank Professor Lupin for his hospitality and we shall be on our way"

She span around giving Remus a wide and knowing grin before her hand travelled slowly down to her skirt, her fingers slowly tugging at the end as she saw his eyes following her every movement.

"Thankyou very much Professor for being so generous as to put up with me, I very much appreciate it" she said courteously, bowing her head slightly, before looking up and giving him a subtly wink.

His grin was broader then hers as he noticed Mcgonagall had began to wander off down the hall.

"I am so going to get you back for that one" he whispered.

"Oh I hope so Professor" but before he could scold her she had ran off out the room, her grin never leaving her face.

Remus shook his head in amusement and started ruffling some papers on his desk, thinking about the mental image she had Imprinted into his mind rather cheekily.

Before he knew it, the door had swung open again and his head shot up to see Caitlin run to him quickly, placing a quick peck on his lips and running back out as if nothing had happened.

He stood perplexed for a moment before bursting into laughter. He stood in his empty office, laughing to himself like a mad man but he didn't really mind.

He was happy. For the first time in a very long time. He was completely and utterly happy.

"Thats my girl" he muttered to himself, a shake of his head and a wide grin as he made his way up to his sleeping quarters to get a much more comfortable sleep then the one on his office floor. The only thing missing was her in his arms.

"Now Miss Kingsley, I know you have had quite an eventful night, but I would like to ask you about your future paths you intend to lead"

"Professor,it's much too late for this" she groaned, the excitement of Remus quickly leaving her system as she took in Mcgonagall's boring words.

"You say this every time I bring it up Kingsley, it's either too late or too early or too in the middle of the day. You avoid it the best you can and it worries my greatly. I know you have plans to be an auror but have you taken any steps towards that so far?"

She did want to be an auror yes, but Mcgonagall was right, she hadn't actually perused much in the coming of it. She had convinced herself that it was because she was busy with NEWT's but she new deep down that it was because if she started thinking about her career, the feeling of leaving Hogwarts would settle in and she would have to face reality.

"What would you suggest I do Professor?"

"Well, i can't suggest much, but if I was you I'd ask a certain Defence against the Dark arts teacher to give you private lessons in order to boost your abilities...however, I am not allowed to suggest it would be inappropriate of me. So I'm afraid you will have to think of something your self" she said slowly, hoping the message would sink in.

Minnie you sly old cat.

Caitlin let out a small chuckle and nodded in understanding.
"Okay,well it's a shame you can't help me Professor but I suppose I'll figure something out" Caitlin said with a wink that provoked a small tug of Mcgonagall's tight lips.

"Indeed. Now off you go" she ushered her into the already open portrait. Before calling back quickly.

"Oh and Miss Kingsley" she started. "I would also not suggest to look into the form of animagi, it isn't useful" with a pointed yet intense look she walked away leaving Caitlin to stand wearily in her Common room.

Was she really suggesting I become an animagus?

With a shake of her head she walked slowly up to her dorm, trying to close the door quietly behind her.

"Oh Thank god your okay!!" Came a high pitched voice from the bed across from hers. Liv jumped up and wrapped her arms around Caitlin in relief. "Where the hell have you been?"

"They made me stay in Lupin's office as they thought Black might be after me too" she explained, as Liv nodded her head in understanding until her eyes narrowed and she shot a look at her.

"NOTHING HAPPENED!!" She cried in exhaustion.

"Fine,fine...but I still think you fancy him" she chimed, crawling back into her bed and pulling the covers over her head. "I wouldn't blame you either, he's quite hot" she mumbled.
Caitlin chuckled slightly and shook her head in disbelief.

"I can't believe you just said that" she laughed.

"Well!! He is" Liv exclaimed.

"Yeah...he sort of is isn't he"

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