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The night had drawn swiftly to an end and Kingsley had just left. Caitlin was sat on the couch, head in Sirius lap as he stroked the top of her head absentmindedly. Remus in a deep conversation with Arthur about something neither Caitlin or Sirius could hear but Arthur seemed very excited about whatever Remus with mumbling.

Molly had now headed up to bed and it was just the four in the living room, the soft hum of music coming from the old record player and the warm air causing a drowsiness on all of them.

She tried her best to keep her eyes open, yet with the relaxing warmth and Sirius' hand running through her hair, as his leant against the back of the couch, she found herself drifting into a very peaceful slumber:

"Padfoot" Remus whispered over, but he did not move and neither did Caitlin. Remus sat admiring her perfect complexion, and how relaxed she looked lay on her Uncle, as he too fell into a peaceful sleep along side of her.

"I better get her  to bed" He sighed happily to Arthur, making his way over to the two and scooping the girl in his arms as Sirius let out a quiet and pained groan.

"I was comfy then" he grunted, his eyes scrunched up as he rubbed them aggressively.

"Sorry mate, just taking her to bed, night pads" Remus whispered, trying not to wake her too much as the girl rested her head and against his chest.

"Night moony" he whispered in a hoarse voice before falling back onto the couch and rising his legs up onto the cushion as he fell back to sleep.

Remus creeped up the creaky stairs, wincing slightly every time a floorboard would screech under his feet. Her weight was absolutely nothing to him, it was like holding a feather.

"If your going to carry me up to bed, try doing it quietly" Caitlin moaned grumpily, awaking from her peaceful sleep at his small chuckle.

"Sorry love, I was trying" he whispered apologetically, brushing a piece of hair out her face as he continued walking. "I don't even know where we are staying"

"Sirius said the room next to his, so he can keep an eye on us" caitlin mumbled, giggling slightly In a sleepy way.

"Here it is"

He placed her on the four poster bed and pulled the thick blanket up to her shoulder. Smiling to himself as she sunk her head into the pillow and drifted back off to sleep, he took a seat next to her and rested his rough hand against her cheek.

"I love you so much" he whispered, rubbing her cheek slightly with the pad of his thumb, "I'm never leaving you again"

Caitlin was too absorbed in her dreams to hear him. Too wrapped up in another universe, created especially for her, a universe where they promised themselves to each other, where they declared their love in front of their friends and family and lived happily together. No war, no doubts, just them.

"Good morning, darling" Remus mumbled sleepily, feeling a soft pair of lips brush against his cheek, and then his nose, and then his forehead. "Your in a good mood"

"Why wouldn't I be?" she giggled. She had been having the most amazing dream. Full of love and romance and sex and him.

"Because it's much too early to be this happy" he groaned playfully.

Caitlin lay on her side, watching as he breathed in and out delicately. Admiring his soft curls that fell lazily against his forehead, and the scars that covered his face and bare chest so perfectly.

"Remus?" She whispered expectantly, watching as his eyes never made any effort to open.

"Yes love?"

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