Moon and stars

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"Do you see that little cluster of stars next to the moon?" Remus pointed upwards, as they lay against the soft blanket he had put down, flat on their backs, looking up at the beautiful and lucid sky.

"No" Caitlin replied, her eyes transfixed to his side profile, the blue diamonds swimming with little speckles of gold as he looked up, his hand rested behind his head and his other in a pointed stance upwards. The curls of his brown locks, with the slightly grey streaks had been swept backwards from the light breeze. His forehead now bare and his head tilted in the perfect light to show his chiselled jaw and facial structure. He looked perfect. His head turned to her quickly and she noticed how his pupils dilated at a rapid pace as he chuckled slightly at her.

"Your not even looking" he laughed.

"I refuse" she stated simply back, shrugging her shoulders in defiance.

"And why's that?"

"I refrained from looking or thinking about the moon a long time ago, because the outcome is far too depressing" she sighed.

"Yes...Well I suppose that's true" he pulled a funny face, his eyes widening as he did so, "Come on love, I thought you liked the stars, that's why I brought you up here"

"Fine" she laughed, "What am I looking at?" Squinting her eyes as she turned her head up to the blanket of darkness, now letting Remus have his turn to admire her. How her hair fell back from her face, showing off her porcelain skin, her eyes bright and honey coloured, staring up at the sparkling sky in awe before they widened and she nudged him in the side as he let out a painful groan.

"What was that for?" he whined, but she shook her head rapidly and started beaming from ear to ear.

"Look look look!" she exclaimed pulling him up into a sitting position and pointing across the lake where a bright colourful light streaked across the sky, alighting it's path on it's way.

"Is that a shooting star?" she turned giddily to Remus as he chuckled at her in amusement.

"Yes, love"

"Quick then make a wish" she closed her eyes for a moment as he watched her, his head tilting to the side in admiration and his heart clenching with joy. She nodded in satisfaction and then turned to Remus who's eyes were still glued to her. "Did you do it?"

"No point" he shrugged with a sweet smile, "I already have everything I want"

"Well as adorable as that's bad look to see a shooting star and not make a wish...your going to have bad omens now" she sighed, falling back down onto the blanket and shaking her head in disappointment.

"Oh believe me darling...I already do" he chuckled, falling peacefully back next to her.

This was her chance now. To ask him what he wanted. Whether this was just a one year thing or whether he wanted a life with her. She assumed if he did then they would probably a do long distance thing whilst she'd be working, mostly likely at the ministry, in auror training and he'd be still here. But she knew they could make it work. Come visit him on the weekends. Catch up with would be great. Then again, people may start asking questions about why Remus is with his ex student. Even if it wasn't illegal, it would still be highly frowned upon.

"Caitlin?" Remus whispered after a while, his brows furrowed in curiosity as he looked up at the stars.

"Yes darling" Caitlin teased with a grin, trying to push back the self doubt she was feeling in that moment.

"We have a week left" he mumbled, turning his head to her solemnly, "What's going to happen after that week? Because I've been trying to think of the best case scenario's but at the end of the day, it's your decision, I just need to know"

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