The Black Lake

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"So...more than passible looking then?"

"Oh shut up, I was intoxicated on tea fumes"

"hmmm...I'm sure you were"

Caitlin and Remus had walked around the castle for over an hour. She had finally managed to calm herself, well Remus had anyway and they strolled through the forest and fields, in light conversation as the sun beamed down on the two.

"How are you feeling?" he stopped in his tracks and turned to her.

"Sir, you've asked me this 5 times now and each time I've said I'm fine...honestly" she replied with a small chuckle.

"I know you have but I don't honestly believe you" he mocked.

"Look..." she started, reaching out for one hand and pulling him to sit on a bench "I was upset...I was angry...I'm not anymore, that's genuinely how simple it is"

"I just don't understand you sometimes" he mumbled, looking down and shaking his head slightly.

"Are you referring to the matter at hand or something else...professor" she snapped, a bit annoyed at his comment, knowing fully well he wasn't on the same topic anymore.

"Woah...I did mean anything by it I just...It's been a long day Caitlin, I wouldn't blame you in the slightest if you let your emotions show a bit more, it's natural" he muttered, seeing the change of emotion in her eyes and relaxing slightly.

"I'm sorry" she sighed. "Your right it has been a long day, but now I'm just tired. I want to forget it for just a moment and simply enjoy your company" smiling sweetly she squeezed his hand and let it drop back into his lap.

"Well that can be arranged" he replied, smirking, causing Caitlin to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Come on, I want to show you something"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the forest, in a fast walking pace as they climbed a steep hill.

"If your going to murder me in here can we skip the exercise" she chimed, causing him to let out a booming laughter. "Where the hell are we going?"

"Just wait okay? It'll be worth it I promise" he called from over his shoulder as they made their way up the hill until they came to flat land.

"Oh wow" she breathed.

Remus' shoved his hands in his pockets and smiled proudly.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

She swallowed, and nodded quickly, he eyes glued to the scenery before her.

They stood at the top of a cliff, overlooking the Black Lake. It was stunning.

The bright sun beamed down elegantly onto the water, as it sparkled underneath them. The Black body becoming a beautiful shade of blueish grey from the light and various elegant creatures swimming underneath the surface, clear as day. She could see mountain after mountain surrounding her and vibrant green hills in the distance covered with farm animals and Muggles. Her eyes were transfixed.

 And so were Remus', but not on that view, on her.

"It's stunning" she whispered in awe, Remus nodded,his eyes still fixed onto her and how her chocolate brown orbs were alight with mesmerisation.

"Really is" he muttered to himself, his feet stuck to the ground, unable to take his gaze away from her.

"How the hell did you find this place?" she asked, now looking directly at him with a huge smile tugging at her lips.

"Umm..I think it was my third year? Look...I carved my initials into that tree over there" he pointed behind her as she walked towards it, her fingers trailing over the initials R.J.L.

She picked up a rock at the base of the stump and began writing her own. Turning back around proudly she notice Remus' eyes had never left her once.

"You okay?" she questioned.

"Your beautiful"

The words fell out of his mouth before he had chance to realise, his eyes widened in shock and his face heated up quickly with embarrassment. "I-I..I'm sorry..I just.." he stuttered nervously, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at the girl's surprised face.

"So are you" she smiled, trying to ease his embarrassment.

"What??" he exclaimed, shocked at her words.

"What?" laughing at his surprise. " You are"

"I'm really not" he said, scrunching up the corners of his eyes with disagreement and turning towards the Lake. She never realised how insecure he was. It made he heart ache.

"Remus..." she started. "Now I may just be saying this for the good grades...but you are beautiful...not passible looking, not maybe more than passible looking ....Beautiful" 

She found herself now stood right in front of him, her hand cupping his cheek as he looked into her certain eyes. 

She looked so sure. How could she think he was beautiful. No ever had...and he DEFINETLEY never had so why the hell did she? It made him feel like he was on fire, the certainty in her eyes was so intoxicating, he wanted nothing more than to reach down and kiss her soft lips.

"Do you understand?" she whispered, looking deeply into his confused yet dark eyes.


But before she could reply he had started leaning in, his face millimetres away from hers as his hand found her cheek. She felt herself burning with desire, and her legs weak, she noticed his eyes flicker down to her lips, so close to touching his.

"I don't understand Miss Kingsley, how you could ever find me beautiful" he growled quietly in a husky and low tone, his breathe fanning lightly against her lips.

Her heart was hammering so fast that she was sure he could hear it, her hand now slipping from his face and to the nape of his neck as she went to pull him closer, begging for his lips to meet hers, when his eyes shot from her face to the side of her and a confused look began to arrise.

"Harry?" he muttered.

" my name is Caitlin" she replied jokingly.

"No...It's harry" he pointed to the Lake behind them as they both watched the boy, sat on the back of a hippogriff, his arms outstretched to the side as he screamed in ecstasy.

They stood staring for a minute, unaware of what they were witnessing before both bursting into laughter. The hippogriff had began his descent upwards and Harry had to grip on tightly in order not to fall. This caused them both to burst into histerics and look at each other in amusement.

Once they both calmed down Remus' let out a small satisfied sigh and looked at the girl lovingly, tilting his head slightly in admiration, he tucked a piece of lose hair behind her ear and smiled.

"I suppose we should head back" he stated rather sadly and felt it even more at the disappointment on her face.

"Can we just stay here a little while longer?" she asked hopefully.

Remus nodded and took a seat on the end of the cliff, his long legs dangling over the edge as he took a long intake of fresh air and gestured her to sit next to him.

They both sat there silently for around 10 minutes until Caitlin turned to him and gave him a knowing smile.

"You are beautiful Remus" she stated simply.

"If you say so" he shrugged, chuckling to himself slightly.

Caitlin shuffled closer to him and lay her head gently against his shoulder as he lay his on the top of hers also.

"I do" she muttered, before they fell back into a peaceful and comfortable silence, there minds wondering to what could have been if Harry and his Hippogriff hadn't appeared. 

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