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The next morning dawned  too quickly and Caitlin arose with a much too tender head. Her muscles ached from dancing and her stomach lurched from the emptiness.

She heard a pained groan coming from the other side of the room and lifted her head to see that Liv had arose with her.

"Morning sunshine" she whispered painfully, holding her head with one hand and crawling out of bed, making her way to her friend. Liv looked up at her sympathetically and patted the side of her duvet, inviting Caitlin into the warmth of her bed.

She collapsed down next to her as they both lay flat on their backs staring up at the wooden ceiling of the canopy in silence.

"You gonna talk to him?" Liv asked cautiously, turning her head to look at her very stressed friend.

"I'm gonna have to" she shrugged.

"What will you say though? Sorry you almost kissed me in front half the school and sorry that you got jealous of my oldest friend?" she muttered sarcastically, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I don't know what I'll say I just-"

A quiet tap came from the window and they both looked at each other in confusion. Caitlin heaved herself up with great effort and rested her tired eyes on the familiar owl waiting patiently with a letter in its beak.



She took the letter from his mouth, giving the elegant bird a small stroke before it set off on his descent. She merely looked at the envelope with the messy scrawl, running her finger over the dried ink of her name.

"Read it for gods sake" Liv urged, sitting up on her bed and placing her hands in her lap.

She unclasped the seal and her heart gave a grateful and relieved lurch.


I'm so sorry love, I was drunk and when I woke up this morning I felt absolutely mortified,

Please don't think less of me.

I love you,

Always yours,


P.s. Goodmorning Olivia

Liv let out a booming laughter as Caitlin finished the last of the letter.

"You gotta give it to him...the guy doesn't miss a trick" she chuckled, "Why the hell does he keep calling himself Moony though, is it your nickname for him or something?"

Caitlin had a small suspicion what the name might mean but wasn't too sure.

"No idea" she muttered, placing the letter in her drawer with the other he sent a few weeks back.

"So what's the verdict?" Liv asked expectantly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well are you going to forgive him or what?" she gestured with her hand to the drawer where the letter sat.

"Obviously, he was drunk, I was drunk...we all were, even Kingsley had a little sway about him" Caitlin laughed, recalling how he had given her a huge hug before he left and whispered something in her ear, but she couldn't really remember what he had said.

"I think that's a wise choice, he is very smitten with you" Liv stated matter-of-factly, nodding her head in agreement.

"Thanks mum"

"Your welcome dear" she winked before collapsing back onto her bed and pulling the cover over her head. "Now leave me alone, I need at least two more hours"

Complicated (r.j.lupin)Where stories live. Discover now