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It was five days before Christmas and the holiday festivities were dawning on everyone quite quickly.

The great hall was filled to the brim with bright and colourful decorations. Tinsel and Holly hanging off every surface. Two grand Christmas trees in each corner of the hall and even Dumbledore went through the liberty of switching his starry purple hat for a santa one.

It was safe to say that Hogwarts had never looked so Christmassy and Caitlin loved it.

As the days passed since her encounter with Snape, Caitlin had avoided him constantly. She ignored his intense eye contact during dinners, she stuck her head down when passing him in the corridors and she even stopped going to Potions.

Her and Liv decided instead to sit in the library during his classes and teach themselves. Fred and George religiously questioned this choice but they both just brushed it off, shrugging their shoulders and saying they 'can't be bothered with it'.

"Have you heard about the ball they are throwing on Monday?" Liv asked as they walked down Hogsmead road, making their way to the three broomsticks.

The streets were packed considering it was dark out and they had decided to go see the band that Madam Rosmerta had hired for the night. It was their last big blowout before Christmas came.

Dumbledore had allowed the sixth and seventh years to spend the night in Hogsmead as he too new that the start of the year had already been stressful and they could use some time to blow off steam.

"Yeah have either of you got dates yet?" George replied.

Caitlin had heard about the ball and got very excited at the chance to wear a beautiful ball gown and feel like a princess. She was very typical like that. But when bringing it up to Remus the next day he completely dismissed it. He had told her that he most likely wouldn't be going and even if he was he'd only be there as a chaperone.

His coldness towards the topic really made her lose heart in the whole situation and it had been weighing down on her since the conversation. She had no idea why he had acted the way he did but she tried her best not to focus on it too much.

Liv gave her a sympathetic look to George's question knowing full well the one person she'd want to take couldn't go with her and answered for her.

"No we don't... why don't we just go as a foursome, me and Fred, Caitlin and you?" she suggested with a small smile, trying not to look too suspicious.

"Well that's not a bad idea what do you think Freddie?" George said, a little too excitedly, slamming Fred on the back as he flushed a bright red.

"Y-you want to go with me?" he mumbled to Liv

"Yeah why not?" she shrugged and gave him a comforting smile.

Caitlin knew that Fred had always had a crush on the blonde Gryffindor but due to her overwhelming love for a certain Quidditch keeper/ captain, he had never acted on it.

However it seemed that this year Liv wasn't as hung up on him as she usually would be. There had been no late night breakdowns or drunken affirmations of love she was just...Liv. So maybe he might have a shot.

"I think that's a great idea! We will make a cute couple Georgie" Caitlin joked, slinging a friendly arm over his tall shoulder as they walked into the warmth of the Three Broomsticks.

It was absolutely hammered.

Witches and Wizard, students and even goblins were crammed into the one small pub to see a band that no one had ever even heard of.

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