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"You heard that Blondie? She can't control when the thing pops out BUT it somehow magically came when we were fucking coincidental"

"I can not control when I give birth Sirius!!"

"Yeah whatever"

"So...where is he?" Liv squealed, looking around the kitchen excitedly, "And did you end up picking a name?"

"Yes, come on, we'll take you up" Remus breathed, ushering them both out of the kitchen as the four walked up stairs.

"Holy hell" Sirius whispered in disbelief, "He's a handsome sod"

"Told you he looked like you" Caitlin smirked at Remus side, linking her arm in his and watching as her Uncle picked the sleeping baby up from his crib, and walking over to the blonde so she could get a better look.

"Go on then...what's his name? If it's not Sirius jnr then it's going to be crap either way" Sirius chuckled to himself, as Caitlin and Remus sent each other a weary look.

"Do you want their child to get bullied?!" Liv teased as he sent her a faked hurt expression, gripping his chest melodramatically as she burst out laughing.

They had just returned from their honeymoon. And clearly, they were still in the giddy stage.

"Okay Pads...before we tell you, I would like you to pass the child over to Remus" Caitlin said carefully, half joking half not, "Because if you drop him then that's it, there's no 'buy a new baby' shop in Diagon alley"

She took the sleeping baby off her confused uncle and gave him to Remus who was chuckling to himself at her dry wit.

"He's called Reggie" she smiled, rolling on the back of her feet in anticipation as she saw Sirius' eyes flicker with something momentarily.

"Aka...Regulus, but he's only called that when he's in trouble" Remus smirked, sending a wink to Liv who was nodding her head in approval at the name, giving them both a grateful look.

"R-reggie?" Sirius stuttered, looking between the two who were smiling and nodding kindly, "That's um...well that's a hell of a lot better then Sirius"

He laughed gently, and wrapped his niece into a bone crushing hug, burying his face into the crook of her neck and nodding to himself surely.

"I know I'm not suppose to have a favourite kid but-"

"Don't you dare" she laughed against him, pushing him away playfully and smiling at the big grin plastered across his face.

"So...when are we going getting Harry" Caitlin asked the entire order just as they heard a crack come from the door.

The kids were already at the Weasley's, now it was time for the advanced guard to retrieve Harry from the Dursley's and take him their safely, without being caught by Voldemort.

"Right!" Moody grunted, "It's show time, we all need to leave"

"Oh Moody!" Caitlin called, catching the man before he could leave, "Can I have a word?"

"Make it quick Lupin" he growled in annoyance as she rolled her eyes.

"I wanna come back to work" she smiled, "Two kids down, Remus isn't working, Sirius and Liv are at home most of the time now, I want to come back, what do you say?"

"Dark times now girl, you sure you feel up to it?" He shrugged as she grinned brightly and nodded.

"As long as your still my mentor then yeah"

"Very well then, first thing on Monday" he grunted, "now come on"

"Holy hell" she breathed in awe, watching as Remus mounted his broom absentmindedly outside of the house, his head shooting up in confusion cocking it to the side in question, "Oh just um-"

Complicated ( ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon