You have me

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The next morning, Caitlin woke rather reluctantly, her eyes stinging and unable to open.

She probably had around 4 hours sleep, but she knew it had been so worth it. She dragged herself out of bed and stuck on her robes, tying her hair back into a low bun and letting a few strands fall out messily. She grabbed her wand and bag and made her way out of her bedroom and down to the common room where Fred, George and Liv sat next to the fire conversing rather suspiciously.

"This doesn't look dodgy" she announced, as all three of their heads span round to look at her quite shocked.

"Oh you know...we were just chatting about where you were all night, exchanging theories and what not" George replied, a huge grin plastered across his face.

"W-what do you mean" she stuttered. "I was here all night"

She hated lying to her friends but she knew if she mentioned the fact that she had spent the night talking to Lupin in front of Liv she would get an ear ache of 'I told you so' for the rest of the day.

"Yeah yeah, you keep telling yourself that" teased Fred, as they stood up and made to walk out.

Liv grabbed her arm and pulled her back, looking over her shoulder to make she they had left.

"Were you with him? Tell me the truth...I won't say anything" she whispered.

Caitlin looked at the girl in shock. How the hell did she know everything.

She let out a defeated sigh and nodded, causing a small squeal to leave Liv's mouth.

"Right yes...but its not what you think okay? He was helping me that's all" she explained praying she would believe her.

"Yeah I bet he was" Liv winked with a huge grin.

"For god's sake" Caitlin breathed, running a hand over her face. "Nothing happened! I found something out yesterday and he saw that I was upset and let me vent, that was all, but by the time we were finished it was really late and that's it"

"What did you find out?" she asked concernedly.

"I'll tell you later" she whispered as she noticed Fred and George looking back at them confused.

"Come on children, we haven't got all day" shouted George.

"I'll be right behind you, I need to have a word with Dumbledore...oh don't ask" she added, seeing the confused look on their faces. They let it go pretty quickly and walked off in the direction of their first class as Caitlin travelled in the other, making her way up to the stone gargoyle that stood frozen in it's place.


She had never been in Dumbledore's office before and she may have guessed it was protected by a charm or something, but she had completely let it slip her mind.

"Err...move..please? she tried again, only for the statue to jump to one side as she let out a triumphant laugh.

It quickly faded as she saw a sour faced figure walk down from the twisted steps. She let out a subtle 'ugh' and began to walk past him.

"We not speaking now Kingsley?" came the low tone from behind her.

"Are you going to apologise?" she snapped back, still walking towards the steps.

"For what?"

"FOR WHAT?!? Are you taking the piss!!" she exclaimed, spinning round angrily to meet his eyes.

"Don't speak to me like that" he said calmly his face remaining emotionless.

"I'll speak to you however I want because CLEARLY we do not understand boundaries...professor" she stated cooly.

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