Christmas at Grimmauld place

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"Oh Mr Lupin..." she whispered sweetly into his ear, "Wake up buttercup". She placed soft kisses down the side of his neck, waking him with a small and love filled smile.

"It's too early" he grumbled, yet the grin remained as she nibbled against his ear playfully, "God that feels good first thing in the morning"

"It's Christmas, Darling." she stated with a shrug as if it were obvious, her lips now running over the scars on his chest as he managed to peel his eyes open at the sensation.

"And what does that mean? I don't remember you doing this last Christmas?" he chuckled, looking down upon her giddy face as she peppered kisses along his chest and stomach.

"Exactly" she huffed, her tongue now running down the middle of his slim stomach muscle, causing his body to quiver slightly as she got closer to his bottom half, "We weren't together...I have a lot of making up to do for the time we have missed"

"Oh well, when you put it like that..." he sighed in satisfaction, adjusting himself so his back was flat and his head against the pillow, awaiting the pleasure he was about to receive, until a realisation hit him and his eyes shot wide just as she was about connect her lips. "Wait...YOU have making up to do? Get up here now" he ordered as she pulled a confused face and removed herself from between his legs.

"Um...I was just about to give you a do realise that right?" She stated in confusion, quite taken back and slightly worried at his stern face. He lay his finger under her chin and lifted her head to meet his eyes.

"You have absolutely nothing to make up for" he spoke clearly, "You did nothing wrong, and I am the one who needs to make it up to you, not the other way around"

She looked at him with wide eyes, in disbelief that he stopped her just to say that.

"Remus..." she said calmly, taking his hand from under her chin and holding it in hers, "My love...the apple of my eye...I mean this is the most loving and caring way possible I swear-"

"alright...?" he said slowly, slightly scared at her menacing tone.

"If you EVER stop me from doing what I was about to do again...just to tell me that you were in the wrong...unless it is a life or death situation...I will tell Sirius you intend on us leaving the country to start a new life...he will not only kill you, but he will rip your body parts up and feed them to I clear?" 

Now it was Remus' turn to sit wide eyed and taken back. 

" really wanted to?" he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck guiltily.

"God you are adorable" she sighed, cupping his cheek and kissing him gently.

"Well I try" he grinned back, before diving on her as she let out a small squeal, "You say it is Christmas?"

"Yep...Christmas day" she beamed, her hand on his chest as he hovered over her with bright and excited eyes.

"Ah...well I better give you your present then" he shrugged, smirking at her confused expression.

"What pres-oh my fucking god!"

"That present future wife" he whispered into her ear, nibbling on the top before thrusting slow and deeply into her. His head resting on her shoulder, their chest pressed together as they both let small and sweet moans leave their lips.

"R-remus...I want...I want to try something" she breathed against his shoulder.

"And what's that my love?" he mumbled back his movements never stopping, each word he spoke making him go deeper.

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