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chapter 3:
As Remus walked slowly out of the toilets, hands in his pockets,looking at the ground, he made his way to leave.
The night with Hagrid had taken a mental toll on him.
They spent the whole night talking about the one person that had aggressively plagued his mind for the last few hours.
When Hagrid had mentioned that the sweet girl,he saved in Borgin and Burke's, was going to be his student for the next year, he couldn't quite shake the nagging feeling weighed down on his chest.
She seemed so mature.
With that contagious smile of hers and rhythmic laugh. The colour of her chocolate brown eyes,still imprinted into his mind and the way she carried her herself so confidently,despite having  just been attacked.
He chuckled lightly to himself at the dishevelled appearance she held during their first interaction.
The shock that had coursed through his body still leaving a tingling sensation in his hand when their skin met.

What the hell was that about?

Hagrid spoke very highly of Caitlin.
He told Remus how she was the top of her classes and had a passion for DADA.
Hagrid had suggested that Remus tutor caitlin as she went on her path of becoming an aura. But Remus quickly brushed this idea off, changing the subject almost instantly. Not wanting to think about the prospect of being alone with the girl as her teacher.

He wasn't sure why the affect of this one girl had penetrated his mind so much. After all he had only spent a few moments with her. Yet, on finding out that she was his student he began to feel increasingly guilty as if he had broken some sort of rules. Remus shook his head,like a dog with water in his ears, trying to erase the memories of the girl that were etched into his mind.

A small,confident laugh echoed through the quiet pub as Remus went for the brassy door handle. Tensing slightly, he turned to see where the soft sound had travelled across the room from, only for his sight to be bombarded by a see of red, one raven and one brown-haired head. His heart quickened in his chest as he saw the chocolate brown orbs, crinkled in the corners, amusement twinkling in her eyes as she laughed at the two twins next to her.
Stood frozen in his place for a moment, unable to break his eyes away from the girls porcelain face, his nostrils became flooded with her scent, the smell of coconut,parchment and butter beer hitting him like a brick, engulfing him in trance of mesmerisation.
His senses were always more distinct,closer to the full moon and in that moment right there, they were on overload.
Subconsciously he found his feet edging closer to the table and to the brown head of hair.  The girls head turned slightly towards him, reaching for a bowl of potatoes across from her, snapping him back to reality, he backed away quickly,spinning on his heels and rushing out of the oak door before she had a chance to see him.

What was it about the girl?

Short chapter I know :(
Hope your liking the story so far!

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