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Caitlin sat in Buckbeak's room like they all did on the night of the full moon. Remus' head rested against the back of the wall, his face pale and sickly whilst Hope curled up against her mother, whimpering softly to herself in pain.

"Have you taken the wolfsbane?" Remus croaked at his side as she tried to soothe her babies tears.

"Yeah, but I feel fine anyway, it doesn't feel like last time" she mumbled.

"That's probably because you had three of them in there, this time it's only one" Sirius called from the other side of the room anxiously, pacing up and down and wringing his hands together.

Caitlin knew he was nervous. He hated seeing Hope in pain every month and he hadn't seen her pregnant, during a transformation in quite a while.

Remus lifted his heavy arm up and wrapped it around her back, pulling her into his side along with Hope and letting out a small sigh at the feeling of the both against his body.

"What's this for?" She whispered softly with a small smile, resting her head against his chest as his fingertips ran up and down her arm.

"I just need to feel you next to me" he mumbled, kissing the top of her head as she nodded in understanding.

She knew, due to them being mates, that when Remus was anxious or on edge just before turning, her touch would always calm him. Always. Without a second thought. And the fact that she was holding his pup also, she knew the wolf inside of him was rather protective.

"M-mummy! Mummy ow! OW!" Hope screamed causing her Caitlin to jump and hold her even tighter as he baby cried ferociously.

"You need to turn now!" She ordered Remus as he also began shouting in pain, holding his stomach as his back elongated faster then usual and he pounded the ground in frustration.

"Pup! You need to put her down, your about to feel a lot of pain!" Sirius yelled over Hope's and Remus screams as his niece shook her head violently, one harm holding her baby to her chest as the other ran through Remus' hair, trying to relax them both the best she could.

"I feel fine!" She yelled back in fear until her eyes widened and they snapped to her Uncle who was sporting the same she was, "Pads...why do I feel fine?"

Suddenly, Moony jumped up rather abruptly, baring his teeth at Sirius, as the man looked at him with bored eyes.

"Sort your bloody child out" he huffed, the wolf having no affect on him now, flinging his arm over to Hope as the wolf cocked his head in confusion until hearing the screams of the baby behind him.

"Hey handsome, you think you could help me a little" Caitlin smiled sweetly as the wolf walked over to them both, licking Caitlin's hand lovingly before she lay Hope on the floor so Moony could curl up next to her.

The wolf's eyes were opened as he lay down next to the now very tiny pup, whining away in pain, curled up into a small ball against her father's stomach. The adult wolf looked up at Caitlin with loving and slightly giddy eyes as she smiled back at him and let out a small laugh.

"I've missed you to Moony" she chuckled, stroking the top of his head as he closed his eyes happily at her touch, "And I love you" she whispered into his ear, causing him to lift his head and lick her cheek sloppily.

She watched peacefully as the two wolves in front of her fell asleep. Their chests rising and falling in a relaxing pace as she ran her finger's through the longish strands of fur on Moony's coat.

"Pup?" Sirius whispered gently, twiddling his thumbs on the other side of the room as she nodded slowly.

"I know Pads" she sighed, "I don't know whether it's a good thing he's not one or whether it's a bad thing"

Complicated (r.j.lupin)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant