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A rather high pitched and piercing scream jolted Remus from his slumber, springing up right in the bed as he scanned the room.

He turned his head to Caitlin who was still fast asleep on the pillow next to him, and his brows furrowed slightly in confusion.

He must have just dreamt it.

He collapsed back down onto the pillow, running a hand over his tired face as he stared up at the ceiling.

Another high pitched and loud scream, not a scream, a cry, a babies cry.

And of course Caitlin couldn't hear it because she didn't have heightened hearing.

He jumped up, slipping into some pyjama bottoms, and crossed the hall to the other door which now held the Initial, H.M.L.

To say that Molly was absolutely elated that the child had been given her name as a middle one was an understatement. Tears were shed, bone crushing hugs were given and lots of grateful kisses.

Their thought process behind it was that Hope was named after Remus' mother, therefore her middle name should have been Caitlin's mother. They both knew the kind and loving woman wasn't really her parent, but she was as good as.

"Good morning princess" Remus groaned tiredly as he stumbled towards the crib with scrunched up eyes and a hand scratching his messy hair, "Can't sleep?"

He picked her up gently, the baby still crying piercing sobs as he held her against his shoulder and rocked her back and forth.

"You hungry?" He questioned sweetly with raised eyebrows, "Tired? Need changing?"

He winced slightly at the thought, then chuckled at his own childishness.

He lowered himself down gently on the rocking chair next to the crib, holding Hope in the crook of his arm as he lulled her back to sleep.

"You know...I heard that as babies grow up, their eyes change colour" he whispered to the now peaceful baby, his smile ever so delicately gracing his lips as he rocked back and forth on the chair, "So if you could do me just a little favour okay? Make sure they turn brown darling, then I can have two pairs of them" he got slightly giddy with love at the thought, his smile turning into a grin as he talked to the empty room, "If you do...I'll sneak you some chocolate when Mummy sends you to bed after you've been naughty"

"Why do I have to be the strict parent?" Caitlin sighed gently from the doorframe, her head leaning against the wood as she smiled down at the two.

"Go back to sleep love, I'm sorry I woke you" he winced with an apologetic look.

The wavering moon was still hanging in the sky, casting a silvery glow into the bedroom, yet it must have been around 5 o clock in the morning.

"It's fine" She whispered with a small smile, "I'm up now anyway, tea?"

"Oh yes" He breathed with an exasperated look as she giggled and turned to walk down the stairs, freezing in her steps and then spinning back around slowly as she made her way over to a very confused looking Remus.

"Goodmorning" she smiled, pressing her lips against his as his wide grin only stretched further, "and Goodmorning" she whispered gently, placing a kiss on Hope's head before stepping back and taking the two in for all their perfectness, shaking her head in disbelief "I really am so lucky"

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