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The sound of one of the windows finally breaking rang through the whole school that it stopped the riot immediately.

Amity didn't know how but she had an arm wrapped around Luz with her other hand raised in front of her as if she had just punched someone hard through the corridor.

Well, because she did.

She punched the student who had a bat going for Luz's skull through the corridor and caused them to crash through and out a window on the far end of the corridor.

Luz's mouth was hanging.

"Oh, mierda." She muttered under her frown.

Everyone in the school was in big trouble but mostly, probably her out of everyone.

"Don't worry, Luz, we can fix the situation." Edric eased.

"Yeah, Luz." Emira added.

"How??" Luz breathed.

The twins exchanged looks before drawing a spell circle when they touched shoulders just to make sure nobody sees them do it.

Luz felt the shift that came from the spell. It was quite strong, it felt like her soul had been touched for a split second.

"¿Qué fue eso?" She muttered.

"Huh?" Amity and the twins chirped in confusion.

"What just happened?" Luz asked patting her chest and back.

"Wir haben einen Zauber gemacht, damit heute ein Schaf für den Vorfall verantwortlich gemacht werden kann." Edric said.

Amity nodded in understanding.

"It's alright, they just solved the problem." She said, assuring Luz.

Luz hummed.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

Amity nodded before raising a brow when someone suddenly tried yanking her by the shoulder. In all honesty, she didn't really budge from her footing when Isabella tried to pull her back.

Luz frowned.

Jealousy? Maybe Anger? Clearly.

"What do you want this time, Isabella?" She asked.

There was a smirk plastered on Isabella's face as she said, "trying to keep you, weirdos, from infecting the new kids."

Luz scowled.

"Being weird is not a sickness!" She yelled.

"Says the one who brought snakes for a presentation of some stupid fantasy book!" Isabella taunted.

"Those snakes were snake pets! They can't kill!!" Luz scoffed.

Amity threw Isabella's arms off of her, shoving her a bit in the process.

"What are you doing, baby?" Isabella whined, wrapping her arms around Amity.

"Please refrain from touching me." Amity frowned.

Emira felt ticked as she grabbed Isabella by the back of her shirt, tossing her back.

"Get lost." Edric huffed.

"Are you alright, Luz? Your face is a little red." Amity worried.

Luz had a look of a child getting their candy taken without permission from their parents.

Sighing, she tried to calm herself.

"Yeah... I'm... Fi--"


Everyone's attention turned towards the sudden shout. It was the principal.

"That's new." Luz chirped as she watched the principal storm through the corridor of students and towards her.

She gulped.

But was quickly assured when the principal called for Isabella.

Isabella was a little confused.

"What are you talking about, dad!? It's her fault, not mine!" She stammered, pointing at Luz.

"I don't want to hear any of your nonsensical words! Office!! Now!!!"

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