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After a complete and thorough explanation from Luz, Willow nodded and only said one thing, "don't get her out of your sight, she could do something out of place, she's not from our world."

Luz nodded and kept that in mind.

Although, Willow did not trust Amity alone with Luz because Luz had specifically said that a part in the story.

Amity would accidentally kiss her while on their adventure. Willow did not like that information one bit.

"You're staying for the night?" Luz asked.

Willow nodded.

"Yeah, but let me just go back to my apartment to gather stuff to stay over." She said before walking out of the door.

Luz smiled while waving through the window.

Amity sat looking around her.

She has never seen anything as such around her before and it was by far, interesting for her to look at.

Suddenly, she paused in reaching for a picture frame when Luz placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Please don't touch that one, it's kind of very fragile but you can touch other stuff in the house." Luz said.

"Of course, Luz." Amity nodded.

Luz smiled but realized something.

Amity's clothes were... Out of place, it looked like someone who worked their ass off on a costume for cosplay and she can't be having that.

"We should get you new clothes." She pondered while eyeing Amity's face.

Amity tilted her head in confusion, making Luz perk up blushing slightly to look away.

'Dios mío, olvidé lo linda que siempre se ve cuando inclina la cabeza así.' she thought before perking up when her phone rang.

Picking it up, it was her mom, and she had some surprising news.

"Ehh!?? You're gonna stay in an apartment for a while since it's closer to your workplace??" Luz exclaimed.

"Yes, but don't worry, I'll make sure to send money to your credit card so do be sure to use it when you need to buy necessities, ok? I've sent in fifty thousand through that'll last for three months or so." Camila said.

Luz hummed, agreeing to the situation.

"Oh, and this is a great way to learn responsibility too, Luz, so please do me proud." Camila said, laughing a bit over the other end.

Luz shot up punching the air.

"¡Seguro que te haré sentir orgulloso, mamá!" She said before giving her farewell and hanging up.

"What's that, Luz?"

Luz perked up and glanced over her shoulder to see Amity staring at the phone.

"Oh, this is a phone." Luz said.

Amity placed a hand under her chin.

"A phone..?" She muttered.

Luz meekly smiled before saying, "yeah, but... Let's go shopping for the day! You need new clothes and those clothes aren't something everyone would be seen wearing."

Amity tilted her head in confusion and looked down.

"You can use my jacket and pants, Amity, let me help you with that after I send Willow a text about us going out for your clothes." Luz said before pulling Amity back upstairs.

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