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Luz walked around looking around even before stopping in front of a gate.

She wasn't sure why she stopped exactly, but something just caught her to look up.

When she did, she saw large letters in a very familiar word.

'Blight??? Wait, could this be..!?' she looked around the gate.

There was a manor not too far, just uphill that is.

She hummed then sighed.

"Trespassing is probably a thing here and going in there might just get me killed." She grumbled feeling down.

"Or, you can sneak in to look a little while making sure not to touch anything and come back out unscathed."

Luz jumped almost instantly at the sudden voice that came from out of nowhere.

When she looked around her, her eyes met another pair walking up to her.

She stared in confusion.

"Hey, there, I've never seen a human walking around here before."

Luz looked at her clothes. She seemed to be close to her age, those clothes she wore instantly looked familiar to her, but her look seemed to be full of curiosity.

"You're one of the students from that Hexside school?" She pondered.

"Oh, introductions first! I'm Skara."

Luz took a step back to face her.

"I'm Luz??" She shook her hand with a raised brow.

'I thought Eda said I'm probably not too welcomed since I'm human...'

"Nice to meet you, Luz, you wanted to sneak into this house from an old friend of mine??" Skara pointed at the manor uphill.

"No, not really. I just wondered what would be in there." Luz shrugged.

Skara chuckled.

"And what do you mean old friend of yours??" Luz asked.

"An old friend! Amity, she's an old friend... Used to play Grudgby alongside Boscha before she was chosen for Grom Night and failed, causing the accident." Skara frowned remembering it.

Luz's eyes widened and she reached forward, holding her by the arms.

"What, else, do you, know!??" She begged for answers.

"Huh??" Skara was taken aback.

"About Amity! And Boscha!!" Luz stammered.

"Why should I tell you? Isn't that a little private??" Skara was suspicious of her.

"Of course not! Eda even told me to look for a gate that had 'Blight's Manor' on it to look for two witches!!" Luz stammered more.

Skara squinted her eyes at her and slowly, pulled her hands off her arms.

"I don't think I can just tell you that easily, you're human after all... And... Blights usually tell everyone that they don't associate with 'humans' or 'half witches'. How am I supposed to trust you??" She scoffed.

"Because you can!" Luz had starry eyes.

Skara thought it over.




Boscha fumbled with the wooden swords in her arms, catching all of them from falling as she huffed turning to look at Amity from the sudden heart attack she tried to do.

Hell, Boscha was almost close to grabbing one of the wooden swords to attack her on reflex.

"What is it!?" She growled from the sudden annoyance.

"Have you seen Luz's whereabouts!?" Amity asked.

"No, I have not, but Eda here might know." Boscha turned to look at Eda who was drinking apple blood by the open window.

Eda raised a brow looking at them.

"What? I told the kid to go look for Odalia and Alador, those two suddenly ran off after getting healed. My sister wants to ask them a few stuff. Honestly, why are you here and not there??" She said.

"So you're telling me, she's out there on her own..!?" Amity felt her blood run cold.

Eda choked on her drink.

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