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Everyone turned to face the first one who woke up.

Lilith groaned holding her head.

That impact really hurt. Oh, deary me.

"What's wrong, King!?" Eda rushed out of the kitchen to see what was the commotion about with him.

"She hit me!!" King screamed clinging to her.

Eda brought him up in one arm and looked over.

"Oh, you're finally awake."

She wasn't fazed seeing Lilith finally awaken from a week-long sleep.

"What..? Edalyn..?!" Lilith rushed up to stand but immediately winced feeling everything spin around her.

"Woah--!" Eda quickly catches her before she could hit the floor.

"Dangit, Lily! Take it easy will you?? Bump said he took everyone who helped Belos defeat the Grometheus weeks ago!" She pulled her down to sit on the couch when Luz made way for her.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Luz asked.

Eda smiled hearing her worry just like her.

"She'll be fine, kid, she just needs to slack off a bit and eat a lot so she can regain her strength again." She said.

Lilith pulled herself together.

"Since when did you worry for me..?" She muttered.

"Since forever!!" Eda yelled at her.

Lilith almost thought her eardrums would ring just as loud as the explosion back in that nightmarish battle under the Emperor towards the Grometheus.

"Alright, alright," she huffed covering her ears.

"Either way," Eda cleared her throat out loud.

"Breakfast is ready." She drew a spell and a coffee table appeared in the middle of the living room with plates of thick pancakes for each individual that was awake.

Luz gasped seeing the thickness of those damn pancakes.

'¡Oh hombre! ¡Ella sabe cómo hacer esos panqueques esponjosos!' she was excited to eat breakfast.

"Eat up, I'mma go take my sister over to the kitchen so we can grab a cup of tea to freshen up our heads and talk a few things through." Eda clapped her hand aloud to grab their attention.

Everyone sat around to eat.

"Such weirdness of human delicacies." Edric pondered poking his plate.

Jerbo laughed patting his head.

"These are pancakes, Edric. Moreover, I think they were called soufflé pancakes." He explained.

"They look inedible." Amity scrunched her face looking at them.

Willow took a bite.

"Tastes fine to me." She shrugged.

"Huh? Really?" Boscha also took a bite.

"It's both soft and sweet!" She was charmed over a pancake.

Amity did not trust their reactions to scrunch her face a bit more.

Luz chuckled taking a piece from Amity's plate and offering it to her.

Everyone perked up watching them.

"C'mon, Amity, it's not bad!" Luz said.

Amity blinked staring as to why the fork was aimed towards her.

"C'mon! Say, 'Ahh'??" Luz was eagerly helping her.

"Ah--Ahh..??" Amity was flustered.

"Uhm..!?!?!" She was even more flustered when Luz fed her the pancake.

Amity bit her words back and sat there need Luz who laughed watching her expression.

"Hueeehhh ... ¡Qué lindo! ¡Tener otro! De hecho, ¡¡llévate todo mi plato, Amity !!" Luz was enjoying too much with this.

Gus cleared his throat out loud.

Luz and Amity flinched realizing they weren't alone.

If it were just the twins, they'd do the same thing and just watch in fascination.

"You two seriously need to get a room somewhere else." Viney laughed hiding her smile.

Amity flushed red.

"How dare you imply such things to her!!" She hissed slamming a fist full to the table.

The table clattered a bit by the force.

Everyone laughed at the situation.

Her face was beet red, there was no way they can take her seriously.

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