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"UNO!!!!" Amity yelled almost instantly when she slammed down number seven card.

Emira gasped.

She clicked her tongue as she drew out a green card.

"No!! Why a green!?" Matt was now stuck in a dilemma.

He gulped.

Amity knew exactly what cards were in his hand. She smirked in anticipation.

A yellow and green.

Matt gulped and drew out the green card.

"U... UNO..." He murmured placing a reverse card on the deck.

"Ack--!??" Emira choked on holding back a laugh.

Edric and Boscha awed.

"As expected of Peter Pan..." Boscha gulped watching the whole thing go down.

She still had three cards in her hands while Edric had gained to lowering to two.

Emira drew a green card.

"Plus two!! I win!!!" Amity yelled in victory.

She had a hidden ace up her sleeve being a colorless yet playable card trick.

Amity was the winner.

Luz yawned.

"Is it finished..?" She fell asleep just like the others.

Well, the Guardians had been playing since last night until morning.

They didn't really mind and just slept beside them while they played. Even when they would yell sometimes it wasn't a bother since a sleep spell was cast on them to make them sleep in peace.

"Ah--Luz!" Amity smiled upon seeing her finally awaken.

"I've won the honor of bragging rights to be your wife." She was smiling so giddily by this.

"Hah..?" Luz's face slowly went red in front of her.

"W-W-W-W-Wife..!??" She sputtered.

"Yes, what's wrong? Is it not to your liking?" Amity worried by her sudden yet irritational decision.

"Wha--Of course not!! I love it! I mean--It was so shocking I don't know how to express how I feel!!" Luz laughed out loud trying to hide how flustered she was feeling in this situation right now.

"Dear sister-in-law!"

Luz almost jumped up by the sudden shout from Emira.

Emira had such a smug grin drawn on her face that it made it seem like Guardians don't need to sleep at all.

"Are you not satisfied by my sister's courageous act of honoring your pride as her girlfriend?"

Oh, she had such a smug grin drawn across her whole damn face.

Luz was internally panicking.

"Yes, very satisfied." A hiccup caught up her throat twice when she spoke.

Emira sat back nodding.

Luz eased down.

'Calm down, Luz, Em's just joking around, she's not serious y'now!' she tried to ease down more.

"I feel blessed hearing our dear youngest sibling will get married to a faithful wife shortly."

"What do you mean near future!??" Luz panicked again, her voice probably cracked considering she was a little parched.

"Do you need me to get you a glass of water, Luz?" Amity worried.

Luz sighed calming down and nodding.

"Yes, please." She muttered.


She awoke to the sound of talking.

And when she opened her eyes, she was met with two eyes inside a skull.

"Blaaaaaaarghh--!!" She screamed in surprise hitting him in the forehead.

"Oww--!" And King screeched in surprise by the impact.

"Eda!!!" He ran off crying.

Peter Pan? (Lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ