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Viney and Jerbo were just as confused as they were already.

First, they suddenly blacked out and just woke up with tied hands behind their backs and tied feet.

"For cautionary actions, we had tied you both. We still do not know what your intentions were to follow us back home." Emira said with crossed arms.

"But, to be sure... I'll have our youngest know of the situation in the house." She continued before drawing a spell circle behind her back.

Edric continued to smile at the two while sitting on the floor with crossed legs.

"You're Viney, the one who's also in charge of doing a job in the school clinic." He said.

Viney was surprised.

"Erhm... Yeah, I'm in charge there whenever I have free time." She said.

Edric felt charmed.

"Incredible, do tell me what healing practices you do there." He said.

Viney was beginning to question the twins' accent and wording now. It sounded royal as if born as royal heirs.

"I help students who start feeling sick or are actually sick. And sometimes, I do help those that are physically injured." She shrugged.

Jerbo stared at her in disbelief.

A casual conversation over two people who had caught them and tied them down on the couch. Classic.

"Anyway, can you two untie us now, please?" Viney asked before whispering over the Jerbo, "don't try anything stupid."

Edric nodded and helped with undoing the knot.


It was filled with laughter as they talked about almost everything while walking through the mall.

It was just a fun hang out with friends, nothing too special. Except Amity, Boscha, and Matt were there now. It was merrier when there was more.

"And that's how it went!" Luz said after finishing with her story.

"You must've enjoyed your time with your mother in the sea, telling us how you fell off-board getting pulled by your own fishing rod." Matt pondered.

"Oh, I said that??" Luz perked up a bit red in the face.

"Yeah, you just told us how while fishing you were pulled into the water by a stronger fish." Willow chuckled.

Luz laughed a bit before glancing over her other side when Amity felt a little far from her. Reaching over, she held Amity's arm. Pulling her close for sure.

"Luz?" Amity was a little surprised.

"You're gonna stray too far, Amity." Luz teased.

Amity smiled at her causing Luz to stare before avert quickly blushing.

Amity huffed and looked ahead before flinching when she felt telepathy. She had received a message from her older sister.

Frowning, she didn't like the message much.

Tapping Luz's shoulder, Luz glanced over to her with a confused look.

Amity leaned close to her ear to whisper.

Luz nodded in understanding.

"Oh... They were followed by their own classmates, huh..." she mumbled.

Amity nodded.

"Do you need me to tell them anything?" She asked.

"No, just, don't let them leave the house. I don't want them going around the school giving out bad rumors on the twins." Luz shrugged.

Peter Pan? (Lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now