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Viney and Jerbo kept themselves glued to the couch after Emira had pointed a sword at them when they tried to leave.

"I was told not to let you leave just yet until they arrive, please keep yourselves down in wait. They'll be here not long."

That was what Emira said before tucking her sword away. And that was when realization also hit her.

She had taken her weapon out, she had gone against the rules Luz told her. Edric didn't seem to be paying much attention to it and as for Viney and Jerbo, they were both behaving for their lives now.

"Why is it that you work as a healer, Viney?" Emira asked, lightening the mood in the living room a bit while still in wait.

Viney hummed.

"I wanna open up a vet one day, and... Working in the school clinic is nice, it's pretty calm and I get more stuff done in there." She said.

Emira nodded while listening.

"So eine kühne Erklärung." She pondered.

Edric nodded in agreement with her statement.

"Das tut es bestimmt, Emira. Es klingelt ziemlich." He said.

Viney and Jerbo didn't know how to speak German.

Suddenly, they heard the front door open.

It was Amity and Luz.

"We're back." Amity addressed while walking inside after taking her shoes off.

Luz rushed just behind her to see who the supposed 'hostages' were.


Jerbo and Viney shot up from the couch in surprise.

Luz perked up and smiled.

"Oh! Viney! Jerbo!" She exclaimed, laughing as she walked over and shook their hands.

"What are you two doing here?? I never even told any of you where I live!" She laughed.

Viney laughed before giving a flat look and saying, "they held us hostage."

Luz felt a trickle of sweat behind her neck as she meekly took her hand away and gave an apology of the situation.


"What!? But she was told not to let us go until 'you' came back!" Jerbo said while pointing at Emira.

Emira waved at him.

"Yeah... Because I was told that you two were following them back home." Luz shrugged.

"Well, that is true but she pulled out a sword in front of us. Not funny." Viney scoffed.

"She did what!??" Luz shot up and yanked her gaze towards Emira.

"What? Reflex." Emira shrugged.

Viney huffed and rushed over to her, grabbing and pulling her up the couch to stand by the shoulders.

It caught Edric off guard in shock to back away with Emira just staring blankly at Viney in a stiff shock.

"Did she just..?" Amity mumbled pointing at the scene.

Jerbo raised a brow.

"Did what?" He asked.

Oh, no, was Luz forgetting something from the book again? Of course, she was.


"Luz, was auch immer du tust, du sollst keinen physischen Kontakt mit meinen älteren Geschwistern herstellen." Amity said as she continued to lead the way through the dense forest.

Luz raised a brow while ducking under a branch in front of her.

"Warum?" She asked.

"Weil es Tradition ist, dass ältere Geschwister ohne Erlaubnis nie berührt werden. Wenn du sie berührst, entscheiden sie, ob sie dich töten oder deine Hand nehmen wollen." Amity said before swinging her sword to cut a few thick vines blocking the path in front of them.

Luz hummed, tripping a bit as she held on a side of the tree for support.

"Sie sagen also, sie werden zwei Dinge auswählen, um Sie zu töten oder Ihnen einen Vorschlag zu machen? Ist das nicht ein bisschen rau?" She wondered.

Amity sighed before saying, "Jeden Tag danke ich dem Titan, dass ich als jüngster geboren wurde. Ich würde dich nicht frei lieben können, wenn ich es nicht getan hätte."

"Oh, wie süß." Luz smiled.

Amity chuckled before revealing the small cottage ahead of them that had been hidden in the middle of a dense jungle.

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