"We're back!" Luz exclaimed as she walked inside only to shriek when two swords were pulled right for her neck.

"Luz!" Amity quickly pulled Luz back and drew out her sword in retaliation for the sudden actions.

"Aahh--where did you get that from!?" Luz shrieked while pointing at the sword Amity raised.

"Hey! Hey! Put those away! You can't just point your weapons like that to anyone!" Gus stammered while trying to pull Boscha and Mattholomule's arms down.

"We can't..?" Mattholomule asked.

"Drop your weapons and I'll drop mine..." Amity growled as Luz stood there close to her, blushing a bit from how close she was. Personal space was gone now.

Boscha clicked her tongue.

"I should've realized that voice... I couldn't recognize you with that green hair... Amity." She hissed venom in Amity's name.

Amity huffed before saying, "you haven't changed at all, Boscha."

Boscha gritted her teeth into a smirk as Mattholomule had already lowered his sword and was getting a well-explained reason from Gus in the kitchen.

Willow patted Boscha's extended arm, but she still wasn't relenting.

"You've gone soft from the moment you saw a human for the first time... Everyone knew they needed to teach you why you shouldn't get too attached to lowly creatures like them..." Boscha said.

Amity scowled, her grip tightening on the handle as Luz stood sweating bullets in the situation.

'Crap..! This scene, where was this!?' her mind was in a frenzy.



Luz screamed when Boscha pulled her behind her.

"Luz!" Amity yelled as she stood a fair distance away from them.

"Lass sie gehen, Boscha ..." She demanded.

Boscha smirked before raising her sword forward.

"Freundschaft ... Du solltest die Stadt beschützen und bist gescheitert." She said.

Amity clicked her tongue as she readied her hand to draw her sword out from the void.

"Fass sie nicht an ..." She said.

"Und diese Sachen tragen? Du bist kein Mensch, Amity!" Boscha yelled.

Amity didn't hesitate when she pulled her sword out and rushed forward. Successfully pulling Boscha and Luz away before she swung sideways.

Boscha leaped back, barely dodging the tip of the blade as she hopped a step or two back more in caution.

"Tsk!" She gritted her teeth, clutching the sword before drawing a spell circle.

Thus, Amity did the same and drew out a spell circle.

Both swords immediately lit with blue flame as Luz realized what would happen if the situation continued.

"Halt! Ihr beide!!" She yelled after standing between them.

Boscha growled.

They can't kill humans, it would be against the law of their nature.


Luz jumped standing between them.

"Stop! Both of you!!" She yelled.

Boscha flinched, pulling herself back from lunging forward when Luz stood between them.

Amity held back a spell circle as she gritted her teeth and threw a glare at Boscha.

Willow frowned as she pulled Boscha's ear.

"Argh--!??" Boscha was confused as she tried to stand upright.

"Boscha, it'll be best if we keep our blades aside..." Mattholomule said as he tucked his away.

Boscha thought it over before agreeing.

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