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Amity was fast asleep beside Luz who was still awake scrolling through youtube with her earphones on half volume.

There wasn't much to look around there.

Well, not that it mattered for her, her situation was worse.

Stuck with fantasy characters in her little insert character story. It was fun.

But it was also a little tiring.


She perked up by the sudden muttering that passed through her plugs.

She looked down and smiled.

Amity was dazed lookie up at her.

"Yes, ¿Tierno?" Luz whispered scratching the back of Amity's ear.

Amity smiled.

"You need sleep." She mumbled.

Luz chuckled nodding.

"I promise I'll go to sleep after this." She said.

What a terrible lie.

Amity sighed nodding before dozing off back to sleep.

Luz smiled going back to her phone.

Then she heard.


The video she was watching was on pause which made it very clear for her to hear.

She sat up and raised a brow.


The sound of tapping that came outside the half-open window made her sit up.

Amity was nowhere in sight. She must be outside doing something a little too important to be ignored.

Edric was snoring while sitting on a chair close to the door.

Standing up from the bed, the Inn they chose was decent and peaceful enough to sleep through the night but that tapping was a hindrance for her.

Walking towards the window where she heard it.

Her eyes widened and a scream rang through the whole Inn itself to make everyone jump in shock.



Amity didn't think twice when she jumped to grab her by the window.

But she didn't catch even a slip on her hand.


The figure ran off with Luz in their shoulder. She was kicking and throwing fists when she was grabbed out of the room.

"Luz!!" Amity jumped out of the window, skidding down the roof tiles, she hopped down and ran for her barefooted.


"Lass mich los!" Luz yelled as she struggled through the stranger's hold.

The stranger had a hard time trying to tie the rope around her wrists.

"Schalten Sie es! Wirst du!?" They hissed and swiftly hit them by the shoulder, cutting blood circulation for a quick moment to get them unconscious.

Luz fell limp, finally, they can hurry with the ropes.



Amity threw a good side kick to their head. But it wasn't enough to knock them out unconscious.

"Tsk! You fool for a whole titled Peter Pan..!"

Suddenly smoke covered everything.

The smokescreen the stranger threw was strong to even blind her for a split moment.



"Für eine Freundin, die nicht einmal ihren eigenen Meister beschützen kann! Hah !! Du bist erbärmlich!" With those words left to her, they rushed away with Luz in both arms.

Amity gasped coughing as she quickly drew a spell to disperse the smoke everywhere.

But it was a little too late as the kidnapper had already disappeared into the night.

She bawled her hands and slammed them hard on the ground to lessen the anger that has built up inside of her.

Peter Pan? (Lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum