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Luz whistled quietly as she walked aisle to aisle with her shopping cart.

'Hm... Do those three know how to cook..?' she wondered while grabbing a can from the shelf.

"Did I write them as good cooks..?" She muttered while walking over to grab a carton of milk.

Shutting the fridge door, she sighed and checked her list.

'No, I don't I did write them as being able to cook much other than the insert character.' she thought before grabbing her phone when it rang.

Opening her phone, it was Willow and Gus.


Group chat

Gus: Can I ask what a spell circle is??

Willow: A what now?

Gus: Spell circle!
Gus: Matt talked about it but I don't know what it is.

Luz: It's just what I called their magic spells, Gus. Lol.

Gus: Ohh, ok!


Luz chuckled before tucking her phone back in her bag.

'I wonder how Boscha and Mattholomule are doing...' she wondered.


"Hello?" Gus called out while knocking on the door.

Matt shrugged when nobody answered.

"Perhaps Luz is not home." He said.

"But Amity could," Gus chimed.

Matt stared at Gus before saying, "she could've gone with Luz."

Gus chuckled.

"I'm not sure though... I can hear talking." He said before knocking again.


"Komm schon, kleine Schwester! Du musst uns mehr über deinen auserwählten Liebhaber erzählen!" Emira cooed.

"Nein!" Amity yelled while shoving Emira by her face.

Edric chuckled as he shoved himself snuggled beside Amity.

"Aber, kleine Schwester, dein Liebhaber ist so faszinierend! Du musst uns mehr über sie erzählen, damit wir sie besser kennenlernen können." He said before continuing with, "und außerdem könnte ich bald ein Schwager werden!"

Amity blushed and immediately threw an uppercut at Edric.

Causing him to wheeze and fall off of the couch.

Emira whistled out loud before saying, "Du bist so stark, es ist kein Wunder, dass du den rechtmäßigen Titel von Peter Pan verdienst."

Amity sighed and leaned back on the couch.

Edric rubbed his head before raising a brow and saying, "Hast du etwas gehört??"

Amity tilted her head before glancing over the front door.

Someone was knocking.

"Ich werde es bekommen!" Edric cheered as he hopped back to his feet and rushed for the door.

Emira smiled and sat with crossed legs on the couch.

"Also ... Warum hast du sie gewählt?" She asked.

Amity hummed before saying, "Ich weiß es nicht."

Emira's eyes widened a bit slowly as she stared at Amity's frown.

"Hallo Leute!! Wir haben Gäste und schauen! Wir haben den berüchtigten zweiten Titel im Titel von Peter Pan! Mattholomule der Kapitän Jake!" Edric yelled as he pulled Matt by the shoulders and inside the room.

Matt huffed and dusted his shoulders.

"Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass dein älterer Bruder und deine ältere Schwester hier sein würden." He said.

Gus meekly smiled as he waved at Amity who nodded waving back.

"Uhm... Who are you two..?" He muttered.

Amity stood up, pulling Edric away to give Matt and his space.

"This is Edric and that over there is Emira, they are my older siblings." She said.

Peter Pan? (Lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now