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"I said don't wanna be the President!"

Eda groaned hearing Luz's big decline.

"You're not gonna be the President, you'll be the Emperor." She explained.

"Being an Emperor is the same as being a President, I'm too young for that!" Luz said.

Eda sighed.

Looks like Lilith won this time.

"Alright... We'll just take it slower." She said.

"Hmm..." Luz squinted her eyes at her before standing up on the couch and leaving to find where Amity had stood waiting for her.

"I should probably get Glandus High into this chase..." She grumbled.

"But those dummies speak with their actions louder than words..." She added, sighing.


"Where on earth did he run off to..!?" Mattholomule was worried.

Very worried.

Gus had run off to who knows where and he lost track of him. Now he's worried he'd get hurt like last time again.

"Augustus!?" He called.

"Augustus!??" He called louder.

Turning corner after corner, street after street. He had a hard time finding him until he finally saw him.

With three other witches.

"Augustus!!" He rushed down hopping below for him.

Gus smiled seeing him and waved.

"Hey, Matt!" He said.

Mattholomule smiled seeing him fine but he was a little mad he ran off like that.

"Please do not run off like that again, I was worried sick." He said.

"No way!!"


Mattholomule perked up hearing his name.

Turning to look, he saw a purple-haired girl, an abomination-tracked boy, and a fuzzy boy.

"Do I know you?" He raised a brow.

Gus perked up and said, "You don't??"

"No," Mattholomule shook his head, "I do not remember getting acquainted with them."

Gus blinked at him.

"Really?" He asked.

Mattholomule nodded.

"Now let's go, you said you wanted to see more from this island." He pulled him around to walk away.


He felt a hand on his shoulder.

Turning to look, it was Bria.

"Yes?" He sighed.

"You two... Are alive... Ahahahh..." She seemed hesitant over something.

Mattholomule squinted his eyes at her.

"Please do not touch either me or Augustus." He flicked her hand away.

Bria took a step back.

"Hey, hey... Calm down, I'm just surprised, that's all!" She stammered aloud.

"The last time we used to hang out was when you ditched us for him." She said.

Mattholomule hummed before pulling Gus away with him.

"Oh! Luz just texted we need to go." Gus smiled seeing Luz send a text.

Mattholomule nodded.



Edric jumped up in surprise to look over his shoulder.

Emira stared at him with curiosity yet confusion.

"What are you staring so intently at?" She asked.

Edric blinked and looked back out the window.

"I saw him again." He shrugged.

"Who?" Emira looked out the window with him.

"Over there, by the stairs with the principal." He pointed out the window.

Emira saw someone that could be close to their age with a golden helmet sitting pretty over their head. His eyes were heavy with sleep deprivation and the scar on his cheek looked older than the scars they've earned under their shirt.

"Huh... A blond boy?" She tilted her head in wonder, muttering.

Peter Pan? (Lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now