Chapter 23: Cormac McLaggen

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"No hard feelings right Weasley?" Cormac said taking a spot next to him.

"Hard feeling?" Ron asked confused.

"Yeah well I'll be going for keeper as well" Cormac said puffing his chest out "nothing personal"

"Really? Strapping guy like you? You've got more of a beaters build don't you think? I mean keepers have got to be quick and agile" Ron commented.

"Well we'll just have to see then" Cormac said smugly "let the best keeper win"

"Say, that Granger friend of yours seems nice, we really got along last time mind introducing us (L/n)?" Cormac said to him.

"How about I introduce you to my boot" (Y/n) before walking away.

"Geez he always that rude?" Cormac said with a laugh to Ron.

"Well he is going through a lot of stuff right now, I mean his brother just died and his father's missing" Ron explained looking back at (Y/n).

"His dad probably ran off" Cormac said quietly to Ron. "And I can see why" he added with a chuckle.

"Shut up" Ron said shoving Cormac back a bit.

"Oh come on Weasley it was just a joke" Cormac said.

"Yeah well it was pretty insensitive" Ron said glaring at him.

"Maybe he shouldn't be so thin skinned then" Cormac said looking sour. Ron took a few steps away from him, and focused on keeping his nerves down.

Then Harry called for their attention and started the keeper tryouts. As soon as they got started it was obvious that (Y/n) was playing favorites... or more accurately least favorites.

Every bludger that came near him was redirected towards Cormac, even when he wasn't trying out.

"For the last time (Y/n) don't hit the bludgers at people who aren't in the air!" Harry shouted at (Y/n) after he aimed a bludger at Cormac who was sitting on the sidelines taking a break.

"Oops uhh my hand slipped?" (Y/n) said unconvincingly glaring daggers at McLaggen.

Eventually it came to McLaggen's turn to protect the goals. To (Y/n)'s anger he saved 4 out of 5 of his attempts, well technically 4 out of 6, but Harry didn't count one of them as (Y/n) had kicked the quaffle out of the air and sent a bludger straight for McLaggen's chest.

The last try Cormac had shot off in the complete opposite direction of the quaffle, missing it by a mile.

Ron however spectacularly saved all five in a row. (Y/n) let out a howl of delight, along with the majority of the crowd, and (Y/n) could see that Harry was struggling not to join in.

Harry turned around to tell Cormac that he hadn't made the team only to find him a few inches from his face. Harry quickly took a few steps backwards.

"His sister didn't try" Cormac said menacingly. "She gave him an easy save!" Cormac's face was red with anger.

"Rubbish" Harry replied coldly staring him in the eyes.

"Give me another go" Cormac said through gritted teeth.

"No, you saved four out of six, might I add, and Ron save five. He won fair and square, Ron's keeper" Harry said standing his ground.

Cormac looked furious and Harry thought that he was about to hit him, when a loud thunking sound filled the pitched. Cormac's face was overcome with an expression of surprise for a spilt second before his eyes crossed, and he fell face forward onto the pitch, with Harry narrowly avoiding being crushed by him.

(Y/n) stood behind where Cormac just was, a beater's bat clutched in his hands, and a look of triumph on his face.

"Oops his head was so full of hot air I thought it was a bludger" (Y/n) joked. Looking down he could see that there was now a large bump on the back of Cormac's head where (Y/n) had hit him.

Harry rolled him over and check his breathing. "It's alright he's still breathing"

"Unfortunately" (Y/n) muttered. "Here I'll take him to the hospital wing" he said pulling out his wand and levitating Cormac's unconscious form.

He walked back to the castle and up to the hospital wing, making sure that he slammed Cormac's head on every doorway, wall, and corner that he could. By the time they reached the hospital wing there were more than a few new bumps and bruises on Cormac's head.

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