Chapter 39: A mysterious letter

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(Y/n) woke up the next morning, lying next to Hermione his arms around her spooning her.

They got changed and then left the room of requirement and headed back to the common room.

"Have a good night did you?" Harry asked sitting on one of the sofas as they entered through the portrait.

Hermione immediately went red at this. "Well we went to bed early... I mean I went to bed early I don't know what what (Y/n) did." Hermione said flustered.

"So this has nothing to do with the two of you heading to the room of requirement?" Harry asked bemused.

"How'd you... I mean no no we didn't got it eh room of requirement" (Y/n) replied.

"Mhmm" Harry said, pulling an old ragged looking piece of parchment.

"You've been stalking us?" Hermione asked surprised.

"Wow I mean I thought you were into some kinky stuff but I didn't expect this" (Y/n) added with a smirk.

"I was making sure you didn't hurt Ron" Harry said rounding on (Y/n).

"Well I had more import priorities" (Y/n) said grabbing Hermione's hand and giving it a squeeze.

"I've got some studying to do" Hermione said, planting a kiss on (Y/n)'s cheek and then heading up to the dormitory.

"Stop looking at me like that Harry" (Y/n) told him, annoyed at the glare he was giving him.

"I'm just making sure you don't hurt anyone" Harry replied coldly.

"I won't as long as he doesn't" (Y/n) bitterly. "Anyway I'm sure if we all just sit down and talk it out it'll be okay" he added a bit more cheerfully.

"There's a letter here for you by the way" Harry said gesturing to the letter on the table in front of him.

"Who from?"

"Dunno it was there when I woke up" Harry said, getting up from his chair. "I'm going to grab some breakfast with Ron. May be best if you don't join, I don't want anyone to get hurt"

And with that Harry walked through the portrait and out of the room. (Y/n) slumped down into a chair.

Despite the enjoyment he had had the night before he was exhausted. He wished that last night had never happened.

He didn't even know why he attacked Ron, he just felt such an anger that Hermione had been hurt.

He shook his head and picked up the letter. "No use dwelling on the past eh" he muttered to himself before opening the letter.

He pulled out the piece of parchment inside, and a silver broach fell out with it.

He picked it up and examined it, turning it over in his hands. It looked identical to one that his dad had gotten his mum for one of their anniversaries.

He unfolded the parchment, and found a short note written on it.

That watch is very powerful do not lose it, it holds an ancient power, one once controlled by death himself. Keep it safe and do not let it fall into the wrong hands.


"Who the hell..." he muttered.

It must be some kind of prank letter, Harry probably wrote it or something, although he couldn't see what the joke was.

But what if it wasn't a joke. He got up to his feet and heading up to the dorms, and dig through his trunk before finding what he was looking for and pulling out the tarnished pocket watch.

"What kind of power could a pocket watch have anyway?" He thought to himself, and he laughed to himself, convincing himself that it was a joke.

But just to be safe, he slipped the pocket watch and the silver broach into his arm for safe keeping.

A few weeks passed on and things had not improved. Ron was still avoiding Hermione and (Y/n) the former because Harry had talked to Ron about it, and latter because he was afraid on loosing an eye. Or worse.

The few times they were all together was in the evenings, when Ron was wrapped so tightly around lavender that it was hard to tell where one of them ended and the other started.

Most of the time when this started Hermione and (Y/n) would leave the room, much to Harry's annoyance as that meant he was alone with the two of them.

"Oh come on just stay here" Harry said frustrated one night.

"You just don't want to be around them either do you" (Y/n) rather loud, in order to make sure Ron heard, who simply stuck up two fingers at him.

"Yeah alright I don't" Harry admitted quietly so not to hurt Ron. "But can you blame me?"

"Nah mate just wanted to hear you say it."
(Y/n) said with a chuckle. "Anyway 'nough talk about... that" he gestured towards the blob that was Ron and Lavender.

"Do you guys have dates to Slughorn's party yet?"

"Well yeah you know I'm going with you" Hermione said not looking up from her homework. "Although McLaggen won't stop pestering me about it"

"What?" (Y/n) said surprised. "He's what? When?"

Hermione shrugged, still not looking up. "He always shows up when you're gone. He probably found out when I'm alone and he talks to me then."

"That slimy git. That toe rag. That one balled son of a crumple horned Snorkack. That big headed spineless weasel footed, slimy skinned lethifold wearing, mandrake sounding, plimpy headed, billywig eating, bundimun smelling, bast-ended skrewt looking, streeler touching bastard" (Y/n) swore angrily.

"Well then" Harry said looking stunned. "Did you come up with that one on the spot?"

"I'm doing Hagrid's homework here alright, I've got magical creatures in my mind" (Y/n) said angry that McLaggen was still pestering Hermione.

"Don't let him get under your skin (Y/n)" Hermione told him kindly.

"Yeah I'll be the one shoving a glumbumble under his skin" (Y/n) said darkly. "I'll shove a coco rumsey catcher so far up his arse that..."

But he was cut off by the sound Ron and lavender were making as they were making out.

"Oh shut up will you before I let a Gringwart Goff loose in your bed Ronald! No one wants to hear that!" (Y/n) snapped at him.

Ron went to open his mouth.

"Or would you rather I put some Mackled Malaclaw meat in your next meal! Or how about I let loose a group of Nazzle Mumphs on you!"

"We need to make sure he stops insulting people while doing care of magical creatures homework" Harry said facepalming. "I don't think anyone understands a single bloody word he's saying.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن