Chapter 10: Hogwarts Express

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"Yes I already agreed it was fishy Harry" Hermione said impatiently.

It had been a few days since they followed Malfoy into Knockturn Alley, and Harry hadn't stopped taking about it.

"Why'd do you think he was there? What was he doing?" Harry asked ignoring Hermione.

"God get a room already" (Y/n) said to Harry making a face. "Honestly I'd ship you two, the boy who lived and the Slytherin bad boy, it's a romcom in the making."

The others ignored him. "Maybe he's broken his hand of glory. Your ember that shriveled hand he's got?" Ron suggested.

"But what about when he said 'keep the other one safe?'" Harry asked eagerly. "It sounded like Borgin's got another of whatever Malfoy's broken, and Malfoy wants both"

"Malfoy's dad's in Azkaban, I reckon he wants revenge" Harry added in after a moment of silence.

Ron looked up at him bewildered for a second before saying "Blimey, you think so? But what can Malfoy do?"

"That's my point I don't know!" Said Harry angrily.

"And asking the same three people the same questions over and over is exactly what's going to fix your problem" (Y/n) said sarcastically.

"But he's up to something and I think we should take it seriously" Harry said scornfully. "His dad's a death eater and...." he trailed off suddenly his mouth wide open.

"Harry?" Hermione asked in an anxious tone. "What's wrong?"

"It's not your scar is it?" Ron asked.

"Blink at least once if I can have your broomstick, and at least twice if I can have your money" (Y/n) said watching Harry's eyes intensively.

"He's a death eater" Harry said slowly.

"That's two blinks!" (Y/n) shouted. "I'm rich, Hermione you want a cut of this? How about you Ron? I'm willing to share"

"He's replaces his father as a death eater!" Harry exclaimed. There was a moment of silence that was only broken when Ron burst into laughter.

"Malfoy? A death eater?" (Y/n) asked between laughs. "What could he do? Whine at you till you kill yourself? I doubt Tommy boys got much use for him, or else he really is loosing it"

"It does seem very unlikely Harry" Hermione added in a much more soothing and gentle tone than (Y/n)'s.

"Yeah What makes you think that Harry?" Ron asked still trying to catch his breath from laughter.

"In Madame Malkin's, he didn't even touch him and yelled and jerked his arm away. His left arm! He was trying to his his dark mark" Harry explained to the others.

"Well...." Ron said trying and failing to put on an understanding and convinced voice.

"I think he just wanted to get out of there Harry" Hermione said, doing a much better job than Ron with her soothing voice.

"It What he showed Borgin! That's why he was so scared!" Harry spoke rapidly and excitedly. "It was the mark! He showed Borgin the mark!"

"Harry I know you're weary of mouthy and all but I seriously doubt he would join I mean come on even Malfoy has standards." (Y/n) told him.

"I know what I saw!" Harry said annoyed.

"But you didn't even see it did you?" Hermione asked him. "None of us actually saw what he showed Borgin"

Harry let out a sigh and left the room, thoroughly annoyed.

"Is it that time of the month for Harry?" (Y/n) whispered to Hermione.

The next morning everyone was packed and ready to leave for the Hogwarts express, and for once there was a mad dash to pack last minute.

They arrived earlier than usual at King's cross station, however unlike Diagon alley, Hagrid's cheery face was not there to greet them. Instead they were met by two grin looking aurors in muggle suits.

"Alright then well Harry better go first with..." Mrs Weasley said glancing questioning your towards the larger of the two aurors, who simply nodded and grabbed Harry's arm, directing him to the barrier.

Soon after they crossed the barrier they were aging their goodbyes to the Weasley's and were aboard the train as it started to leave the station.

"Let's find an empty compartment" Harry suggested motioning for the others to follow him.

"We can't Harry" Hermione said with an apologetic look on her face. "Ron and I have to go to the prefect's carriage first and then patrol the train a bit"

"Oh I forgot" Harry said looking down trodden.

"Don't look too excited Harry you've still got me" (Y/n) added sarcastically.

They carried on down the compartment for a while before meeting up with Ginny, who Harry tapped into the shoulder.

"Fancy finding a compartment?" Harry asked her.

"I can't Harry I promised I'd find Dean. She you later" she said brightly.

"Right" was all Harry said, looking in an even worse mood.

"Wow the way your acting people'd think you hate me" (Y/n) commented. Harry ignored him.

As they passed different compartments (Y/n) could see many people reading the daily prophet and one of them caught his eye.

"Hey could I borrow that" (Y/n) asked a short girl in one of the compartments.

"You're (Y/n)'s aren't you?" She asked him in a high pitched voice. 

"Yeah, sorry do I know you?" He replied awkwardly.

"Not really you threw your arm at me last year in history of magic. My name'a Grace" she said holding out her hand.

"(Y/n)" he replied taking her hand.

"Anyway sure here" she said handing him the daily prophet.

"Cheers" (Y/n) as he left the compartment and hurried after Harry, reading the headline of the paper.

Four suspected death eaters found dead

Early this morning four suspected death eaters were found dead in what ministry officials are assuming was an underground meeting place, each of them appear to have have been tortured before death, leading officials to believe that this may have been a personal case as opposed to a random killing.

Left at the scene was a hand written note, bearing the words
"I'm coming for you"
Ministry officials currently have no theories about the identity of the killer, or motives. If anyone has information relating to this please contact the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible.

"Hey Harry! Hey (Y/n)!" A voice pulled (Y/n) out of his reading. Neville ran up behind them.

"Nev!" (Y/n) said pulling him into a tight hug. "It's been too long"

"Hello you two" a dreamy voice said, as Luna made her way towards them, a copy of the Quibbler clutches to her chest.

Hi sorry for the long wait I've got classes now so it's a bit harder to write as often, hopefully I'll be able to update this more often any way hope you enjoy.

Also I'd love to see drawing and hear about how you think (Y/n) looks like I purposely left it vague for you to envision him yourselves.

Especially Beansanyone who has left me a couple messages asking for an update, I'm sorry it took this long beans, but here it is!

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now