Chapter 64: Instert title here

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The next morning both harry and Ron were allowed to leave the hospital wing, much to Ron's enjoyment.

(Y/n) and Hermione met up with the two of them as they were leaving, and walked with them down to the great hall for breakfast.

Hermione explained to them about how Ginny and Dean had had an argument recently.

"What about?" Harry asked eagerly perking up. (Y/n) was honestly impressed that Ron hadn't caught on yet.

"What was the row about?" Harry asked again trying to sound more casual as they turned onto a seventh-floor corridor, completely empty except for a small girl.

She looked terrified as they approached, dropping her heavy brass scales.

It probably didn't help that (Y/n) pulled off his arm and waved at her with it.

"It's alright" Hermione said kneeling down next to her, pulling out her wand. "Here let me help" she said, tapping the broken scales and muttering "Reparo"

The girl didn't say thank you. I'm fact she didn't even move, she just stayed rooted to the spot and watch the four of them as they walked out of the hall.

"I swear they get smaller and smaller each year." Ron muttered.

"And weirder too" (Y/n) added. "Is it just me or did it seem like she recognized who we were?"

"Never mind that" Harry said impatiently. "What did Ginny and Dean argue about?"

"Oh, Dean was laughing about McLaggen hitting the bludger at your head" Hermione explained to him.

"Well it must've looked funny" Ron admitted insensitively.

"It didn't not!" Hermione said in protest.

"Well we can always reenact it mate" (Y/n) said to Ron. "Do you want to be Harry or the bludger mate? Cuz I'd be more than happy to hit you either way."

"Yeah well she's probably better off with out him anyway" Harry said excitedly. "If they've split up I mean" he added quickly.

"No they're still together" Hermione said to him with a sharp look. "Why are you so interested?"

""I just don't want my quidditch team falling apart again!" Harry said quickly, and defensively.

But before Hermione could pry anymore a dreamy voice called out from behind them.

"Harry!" Luna called to him. "I went to the hospital wing but they said you'd left..." she said reaching into her bag, pulling out various things.

She trust an onion looking green thing into Ron's arms, along with a large toadstool and what appeared to be a large quantity of cat litter.

"Here it is Harry" she said passing a small, slightly crumpled, scroll of parchment to Harry, and one to (Y/n).

"Nice commentary last match" Ron said to Luna.

"You're making fun of me aren't you?" She asked taking her things back from Ron.

"No honest, it was brilliant. I can't remember enjoying commentary more! What is this by the way?" Ron said gesturing the onion at her.

"It's a Gurdyroot. You can keep it if you want, I've got a few they're excellent at warding away gulping plimpies" she said, and with that she walked away.

"You should probably keep that Ronald" (Y/n) said with a laugh, Hermione let out a laugh too.
Ron and Harry however stared blankly at them.

"Honestly do either of you read, Gurdyroot is the main ingredient in the antidote for love potions." Hermione explained to them.

"How do you know that off the top of your heads?" Ron asked them amazed.

"Because Ronald the two of us don't just look at the pictures we actually read the words, you no those little squiggly symbols" (Y/n) told him with a snort.

They met Lavander in the entrance to the Great Hall, who met up with Ron in a much more tame manner than usual.

"Hi Ron" she said planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Come on let's give them some time" (Y/n) whispered to the others who went off to find a place to eat.

"When's your meeting for?" (Y/n) asked Harry.

"It's tonight. Eight o'clock" Harry replied excitedly. "I wonder what he's got in store for me. How about you mate? When's Dumbledore want to see you?"

(Y/n) opened up his scroll, and gave it a quick read. "Huh it's from Snape, he wants to see me at eight o'clock tonight as well."

"Good luck with that then mate" Harry said "Who knows what horrid things Snape'll have you doing"


"Well better get going then" Harry said getting up quickly. "Don't want to be late for Dumbledore." And with that he hurried off towards the headmasters office.

"I should probably get going soon too" (Y/n) said getting up slowly.

"I'll see you tonight (N/n)" Hermione said, pulling him into a kiss.

"Don't stay up too late love" (Y/n) told her as he left the common room.

The trek to the dungeons was fairly uneventful. The only person he ran into was Grace, who was coming out of the kitchen carrying a plate of food.

"Midnight snack?" (Y/n) asked her, walking up to her.

"Oh hey (Y/n), uh yeah something like that" she said.

"Heading back to the common room?" (Y/n) asked her making small talk.

"Oh uh yeah... yeah I missed dinner because I'm as working on something, so I thought I'd just pop down and grab some food. Anyway where are you going?" Grace asked him, changing the topic rather abruptly.

"Oh I've got a meeting with Snape." He explained to her.

"Ah I see, mind if I walk with you then?" She asked him, to which (Y/n) just nodded.

"Hey if don't mind me asking have you heard anything about your dad lately?" Grace asked her innocently.

"No not yet" (Y/n) replied to her sadly.

"Oh" she replied sounding a bit disappointed. "Nothing at all, nothing about where he is, or who he's with?" She pressed.

"No nothing yet" (Y/n) replied, a sadness rising in his chest.

"Oh... well I'm sorry (Y/n) hopefully you'll be able to hear from him soon." Grace said to him, with a hint disappointment sounding slightly sad.

"Well anyway enough of the sadness" Grace said in an attempt to cheer him up. "So what's your favourite animal then?"

"Oh" (Y/n) replied taken aback. "I'd probably have to save ravens. How about you?"

"Oh I just adore cats, you know my mum used to have a bunch of plates with... well never mind that I just really like cats" she told him.

"Oh I never knew that. Have you ever met Hermione's cat, his names Crookshanks, and he's lovely little kitty" (Y/n) told her fondly.

"Oh I never knew Hermione had a cat" Grace replied, scowling every so slightly unbeknownst to (Y/n). "Maybe I'll ask her to see him one day" she told him, once more in her strangely familiar sweet voice.

"Well anyway this is where I need to go." (Y/n) said as they reached the door to Snape's office.

"Well I'll see you around (Y/n)" said Grace, as (Y/n) opened the door and entered into it, leaving Grace still staring at the spot where he was just standing.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum