Chapter 3: Harry's Arrival

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"Mum?" Ginny called.

"What is it dear? Is it your father?" Mrs. Weasley called out tiredly.

"When did Harry get here?" She called back.

"Harry who?" Mrs. Weasley asked still sounding tired.

"Harry Potter obviously!" Ginny called back.

"Very funny Ginny but I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house." Mrs. Weasley said.

"Did someone say Harry?" Ron's voice called out.

"Me!" Ginny called to him. "Is he up there with you?"

"Course not I think I'd know if my best mate was in my room wouldn't I?" Ron called back to her.

"Don't know you are pretty thick mate" (Y/n) said sleepily walking out of Hermione's room.

"What are you doing in Hermione's room?" Mrs. Weasley called out to him sharply.

"I was just having some fun with her" he called out before going red in the face. "Not like that I was just going to sleep with her"

He seemed to realize what it sounded like. "No no no not like that, that's not what I meant" he said. At this point Hermione and also exited the room, her face a bright scarlet.

"We were just talking and playing some games and knocking boots" again a wave of realization washed over his face. "No no no seriously we were knocking boots, like actual boots, to get the mud off from the bottoms of them."

"And then we were just looking after the beast with two back." He said, before understanding the double meaning. "Which is what I call my double-ended newt" he said pulling one out of his arm. "See cause he's double ended it's like he has two backs!"

"And we just played a little bit of the old in and out." He said trying to explain to them. At this point Hermione had buried her face in her arms.

"NO NOT WHAT YOU'RE THINKING! It's a little game Hermione and I play where we pull things out of my arm and see what we get, it helps to clean out the junk in my arm, and I'm just going to shut up now" (Y/n) said his face a deep shade of scarlet.

"Why are you shirtless?" Ginny asked (Y/n) innocently with a smirk on her face.

"So where's Harry!" (Y/n) cried trying to change the subject.

"Yeah we're is he?" Harry said finally making his presence known.

Ginny ran and hugged Harry, while Mrs. Weasley scowled (Y/n) and Hermione. After she had finished scowling them she pulled Harry into a bone crushing hug.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming Harry dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Dumbledore's work I didn't know." Harry said

"Well it's great to see you Harry" Mrs. Weasley said to him.

"All right mate?" Ron asked Harry after running down the stairs, with Hermione, who was wearing one of (Y/n)'s shirts that was overly long on her, following behind him, and (Y/n), who was attempting to pull a shirt over his head, behind her.

"Never better" Harry said with a wide smile. At this moment (Y/n) tripped down the stairs, his shirt covering his eyes.

"Bugger!" He cried tumbling head over heels and landing sprawled on the ground at Harry's feet.

"You?" Harry asked Ron, after helping (Y/n) to his feet.

"Not bad" Ron said giving Hermione and (Y/n) a strange look out of the side of his eye. "We're the muggles alright? Did they treat you okay?"

"Same as usual I guess" Harry said, hugging (Y/n) and Hermione.

"Come on let me help you with that" (Y/n) said grabbing Harry's trunk and carrying it to the room he'd be staying in.

Hermione sat down on the edge of the bed, and (Y/n) took a seat next to her.

"How are you Hermione?" Harry asked her.

"I'm alright." Hermione told him.

"When did you get here?" Harry asked, starting to unpack his trunk.

"A few days ago. Mrs. Weasley picked (Y/n) me up from my house. Although for a while I didn't know if I would be coming" Hermione explained to them.

Ron nodded with her words. "Same here a few weeks ago mum sort of lost it. Said Ginny and I had no business going back. That it was too dangerous. But dad stepped in and told her that was crazy. Few days later she came round."

"But we're talking about Hogwarts here!" Harry cried. "With Dumbledore! What could be safer?"

"Well there has been a lot of talk that he's... gotten old." Hermione said.

"Oh come on he's only what a hundred and fifty or so" Ron said.

"Yeah give or take a decade." (Y/n) added.

They woke Harry up the next morning to talk about their summers.

"So what's new?" (Y/n) asked Harry, somewhat distracted searching through his arm.

"Nothing much I've been stuck at the Dursley's haven't I?" Harry said to them.

"Oh come off it! You've been with Dumbledore!" Ron said to him.

"It wasn't that exciting he just wanted me to help persuade some old teacher to come out of retirement" Harry told them.

"We thought" Ron started but was cut off when Hermione gave him a warning look, and Ron changed course mid sentence. "We thought it'd be something like that"

"You did did you?" Harry asked amused.

"Yeah... yeah since Umbridge is gone we need a new Defense teacher. So what's he like?" Ron asked.

"Well he looks a bit like a walrus. And he used to be the head of Slytherin"

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