Chapter 62: Attmepted Murder?

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It was only a few days later that Ron fully woke up, asking for food.

Although Ron was going to be alright Harry had taken the situation badly. (Y/n) had thought he was obsessed before but this was a whole new level.

He was checking and rechecking the marauder's map every free second he had. He had even shown up late to a few of his classes late because of "shortcuts" as he called them, that would bring him closer to Malfoy.

This behaviour did start to trickle off a little bit as the next Gryffindor quidditch match drew nearer and nearer.

Harry certainly had his work cut out for him, as the back up keeper was none other than Cormac McLaggen.

(Y/n) had gone down to support Harry a few times, helping him out with practices and whatnot.

Before Harry knew it however the match against Hufflepuff was upon them.

Harry and (Y/n) had decided to go visit Ron in the hospital wing before the match began.

"I can't believe she won't let me go" Ron said agitated, craning his neck out of the window clearly trying to get a view of the pitch.

"So... how's McLaggen shaping up anyway?" Ron asked, having already asked Harry that twice.

"I've told you already" Harry said patiently "he could be world-class and I wouldn't keep him"

"Plus he's a pompous hit who thinks he knows better than anyone else. I swear you could punch him in the face and he'd tell you how terrible your form is" (Y/n) said sounding disgusted.

"Yeah I can't wait to be gone of him" Harry said with a sigh.

"I keep telling you Harry I can make it look like an accident, a small hex, a quick curse and he'd plummet straight to the ground, maybe a little fire in the dorm or the changing room" (Y/n) suggested to Harry.

"(Y/n) for the last bloody time you can't just kill him!" Harry told him annoyed.

"I don't have to kill him Harry! I could maim him, disfigure, cripple, I'm willing to do it"

"The scary part" Ron muttered to Harry. "Is I wouldn't put it past him."

After that they said goodbye to Ron, who was looking dishearteningly out the window towards the pitch.

To say that Gryffindor was loosing was an understatement, they were getting slaughtered out there, it had only been a couple minutes, and the score was already seventy fourth to Hufflepuff. The only good thing about the match was Luna's intriguing commentary.

"Oh look! The Gryffindor keeper's got hold of one of the beater's bats." Luna said dreamily.

"What the hell is McLaggy doing out there!" (Y/n) said frustrated, as he let in another goal, being too busy to notice as he "taught" one of the beaters how to use a bat.

"(Y/n) don't!" Hermione hissed at him, grabbing his hand for the twelve time as he pulled out his wand ready to curse McLaggen.

"Oh come on Hermione a fall form this height should kill him" (Y/n) argued.

Hermione rolled her eyes exasperated. "No killing (Y/n). God I never thought I'd have to say that"

Just then there was a loud crack, as McLaggen miss hit a bludger and sent it rocketing straight into the back of Harry's skull.

(Y/n) quickly stood up, his wand already in his hand, silently casting arresto momentum, slowing Harry descend so that he gently landed onto the pitch.

It wasn't long before Harry had been rushed to the hospital wing, and play was just about to restart when (Y/n) ran down onto the pitch.

"What're you doing Mr. (L/n)?" Madame Hooch asked him.

"Check the roster I'm the back up seeker" (Y/n) replied quickly, pulling a Gryffindor quidditch jersey out of him, pulling off his robes and pulling on the jersey.

"Yes well this seems in order then." Madame Hooch said giving the roster a quick once over, not noticing that (Y/n) had simply scribbled his own name on the roster, and not Harry.

(Y/n) pulled his brothers broom out of his arm, mounted it and kicked off into the air.


"Ughh" Harry groaned opening his eyes to see the familiar view of the hospital wing.

"Nice of you to pop by mate" Ron said looking at him.

"Yeah thought you might be dead" (Y/n)'s voice said making the two them jump.

"Bloody hell!" Ron said looking around at the almost empty hospital wing.

"Where are you?" Harry asked looking around.

(Y/n) suddenly appeared in front of theme pulling Harry's invisibility cloak off.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked him, looking at the clock.

"What do you think mate, I was making sure he was dead so I could harvest his organs Duh" (Y/n) said pulling a large kitchen knife out of his pocket and brandishing it at them.

"Are you mental!" Ron shouted at him, looking around for madame Pomfrey.

"Only messing with you" (Y/n) with a chuckle sticking the knife into his prosthetic arm, like it was a pin board. "If I wanted your organs I'd already have them."

"He's a bloody psycho that one" Ron said to Harry, not taking his eyes off of (Y/n).

"What happened anyway?" Harry asked, feeling the bandages wrapped all the way around his head.

"Well you cracked open your chrome dome like a raw egg caught between a rock and a frying pan" (Y/n) told him sitting down on the end of his bed.

"And what about the match?" Harry asked.

"Well we lost" Ron told him. "The final score was eight hundred seventy to sixty."

"Brilliant bloody brilliant" Harry said skulking. "I don't even know how bad McLaggen had to be to let in that many goals."

"Yeah well he was pretty bad while he played." Ron said.

"What do you mean 'while he played'?" Harry asked Ron slowly, who simply turned to look at (Y/n).

"Okay so don't get mad Harry" (Y/n) started, getting up off the end of his bed. "So I put my name down as Gryffindor's reserve seeker-"

"Okay so how the hell was the score so bad?" Harry asked him annoyed.

"We get there when we get there" (Y/n) told him. "So I get up into the cool crisp air, the cobalt blue sky just starting to darken into a brick red, the wind gently blowing through my air. I could hear the cheers of the crowd and the wind howling as I zipped through it-"

"Hurry up (Y/n)" Harry said slightly annoyed, still gingerly rubbing his head.

"Alright alright, so McLoser was still doing terribly, pretending to be the captain bossing people around and I sorta got annoyed at him" (Y/n) explained before he was cut off but a moan of pain coming from the other side of the hospital wing.

"And well I sort of ended up getting kicked off the pitch... for life" (Y/n) added quietly.

"How did you manage that!" Harry roared at him.

"So apparently it's against the rules of quidditch to pull a beater's bat, that you stole a few years ago, out of your prosthetic arm and sort of break your own keepers kneecaps, and possibly ribs." (Y/n) explained to him, before another moan of pain came from across the room.

The other two were in stunned silence for a second. "I know oddly specific rule am I right?" (Y/n) said to them.

"And I take it that's McLaggen?" Harry asked (Y/n).

"Well.. yeah it is, look like I told Madame Hooch and McGonagall and Dumbledore and the three magical law enforcement officers, I thought there was a mosquito on his knees and I was just trying to get rid of it. Honest I swear the broken kneecaps were just a happy... I mean unfortunate by product of that."

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