Chapter 65: Letters from Dad

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"You wanted to see me Professor?" (Y/n) asked as he entered into the office.

"Ah (Y/n)" Snape said standing up from his desk, setting down the roll of parchment he was reading.

"Is this another lesson? Cuz I've been practicing a lot" (Y/n) said holding his wand out towards Snape.

"Not tonight (Y/n), although I do not doubt you have been practicing." Snape said with a small smile. "I think you should read this letter" he gestured towards the desk.

(Y/n) walked over to it slowly and picked it up, before immediately recognizing the handwriting, and eagerly reading the entire letter.

Dear Severus,
The countryside has a lovely view; plenty to hunt. There are lots of unique creatures that is to say I have found much enjoyment going down to the village seeing all is well. While everything is well I am longing still for my bed. I hope that you have no problems at school, I have seen a sign advertising a school for children who are of great skill. Have you heard anything from him? Don't worry about him he will probably need some time to come around, you know more isn't always better, have you suggested any names?


"What the hell!" (Y/n) said angrily throwing down the letter. "He's acting like he's on a vacation, he doesn't even mention me or Rose, does he even care about us anymore!"

"(Y/n) calm down" Snape said understandingly.

"Calm down? Calm down!" (Y/n) said outraged. "He doesn't even care about us!" He could feel the sting of tears pricking at his eyes. "He really did just run out on us" his voice cracked, as a few tears escaped his eyes.

"(Y/n)" Snape said softly, before pulling him into a surprisingly warm hug. "Listen (Y/n) at school your father and I used to write notes to each other about this and that, and we always used a secret code. Reread the letter (Y/n), but starting at the first word read only every eight words."

Snape let (Y/n) go from the hug and, (Y/n) went back to reread the letter once more, this time listening to Snape's advice.

The hunt is going well, still no sign of him need more names.

"What... what does this even mean?" (Y/n) said looking up at Snape.

"As I'm sure Potter has told you I used to be a death eater" Snape told (Y/n).

"Yeah you worked as a spy for Dumbledore right?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Yes that is true, and with the return of the dark lord I've taken up that role once more" Snape explained to him. "And given my... predicament, I have decided to take advantage of it sending names of death eaters to your father-"

"I thought you hadn't been in contact with him?" (Y/n) asked him cutting him off.

"Yes well I sent him a list of names a bit ago, before he left. This is the first time he has contacted me since then." Snape explained to him. "And as I promised you I would inform you if I had contact with him."

"Thank you Professor" (Y/n) said giving Snape a hug.

"(Y/n)" Snape called to him as he turned to leave. "Just, just know that I am trying to do the right thing... for everyone"

"I know professor" (Y/n) said slightly confused, as he left the office.

(Y/n) returned to the common room to find Hermione asleep on the sofa waiting for him. He smiled and place a kiss on her forehead, before scooping her up and carrying her to the boys dormitory, laying her into his bed, before he showered, got changed and got into bed next to her.


The next morning Harry eagerly told them about what Dumbledore had showed him, and how Voldemort had killed some lady and blamed it on her house elf.

"Wait wait wait hold up a second" (Y/n) said cutting Harry off. "This was the house elf Hokey's memory right?"

"Yeah but what does that matter" Harry said impatiently.

"And she left the room during this right? To fetch the locket and cup and stuff?" (Y/n) asked him.

"What yeah she did, what does that have to do with anything?" Harry asked him.

"So then how the hell did you see all of this?" (Y/n) asked him curiously.

"What?" Harry said to him rather than asking.

"Well if it's Hokey's memory and she left the room to get those things, how could she have heard anything that happened, let alone see what happened?" (Y/n) asked them.

"I mean you can't just create these things if you haven't seen them how could she have all of the exact memories of exactly what happened?" (Y/n) enquired.

"This whole thing and the only take away you get is how memories work?" Harry asked him incredulous.

"Well what do you take away from it then mate? That Riddles a dick? News flash we already know that" (Y/n) threw back at him.

"Look Dumbledore said that this was important, and that this would be the last session for a while" Harry told them heatedly.

"How come?" Hermione asked him.

"Umm" Harry started not making eye contact with her. "Well he said that there's not much more we can do without Slughorn's memory."

Hermione attempted not to look smug, as she had been telling him that since Dumbledore gave him that task.

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