Chapter 2: The Grangers

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(Y/n) rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed. The months since the end of his fifth year had been brutal.

He walked into the kitchen, picked up his dad's note and reread it the millionth time.

"I'm sorry, I can't live with this anymore. I have to make this right.

Rose I love you, you make me so proud, you look so much like your mother. I wish you and Marc the best.

(Y/n) I love you, you've made me such a proud dad. You're so courageous and brave. I just want to know that the right decision is rarely ever the easy one. If only I had made the right decision none of this would've happened.

Love Dad"

"Where do you think he is?" Rose asked making (Y/n) jump.

"I don't know" (Y/n) said truthfully, turning around to look at Rose. She looked a mess, her eyes were red and puffy clearly she had been crying recently.

"Do you think he'll come back?" She asked handing him a cup of tea.

"Yeah. Yeah I think he will" (Y/n) said after thinking for a while. "When's Marc coming over?"

"He should be here soon" Rose said, smiling slightly. "And later today we'll be leaving, and you should too."

"I will, Mr Weasley said the Ministry set up the connection for tomorrow" (Y/n) explained to her. She looked worried at this.

"Be safe alright (N/n)?" She told him.

"Of course I will, when aren't I?" (Y/n) said with a small chuckle.

"I'm serious. I want you to promise me (Y/n)" Rose said to him anxiously.

"I promise Rose" (Y/n) said pulling his big sister into a tight hug.

After Marc arrived they spent the rest of the day helping Rose pack her things and finally they had a tearful goodbye.

"I love you (N/n)!" Rose said pulling (Y/n) into another tearful hug.

"Rose I'm going to see you at Hogwarts" (Y/n) told her. "I love you too" he added after Rose glared at him. "Look after her Marc. Or else"

Marc put his hands up in mock surrender. "Of course I will (Y/n)" he said hugging (Y/n).

And they threw floo powder into the fire, stepped into it and disappeared.

(Y/n) spent the rest of the day looking through the attic at his parent's old things. Old boxes of photos and memorabilia.

After a while he found an old looking folder. He pulled it open and found and old ragged looking piece of parchment.

It read "Elizabeth Gaunt daughter of Morfin Gaunt II and Sara Hazel" and underneath that there was a strange symbol, it looked like a circle inside of a triangle with a straight line going from the point of the triangle to the middle of the bottom line of the triangle.

"Weird must be mum's birth certificate" (Y/n) said out loud. "I never knew her maiden name, and such a strange symbol. Must be a family crest of something."

Other than that there wasn't much in the attic. He took a few pictures of his parents and of his family, before packing his trunk, getting ready for his trip tomorrow.

(Y/n) woke up early in the morning and neatly got dressed for once. After that he hastily ate breakfast and sat in a comfy armchair and read a book to pass the time.

Finally it was time for him to to leave for the Grangers. He grabbed his trunk, threw floo powder into the fire and stepped into it.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione cried, and the first thing he saw was a mass of brown bushy hair.

Hermione pulled him into a tight hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"Good to see you (Y/n)" Mrs. Granger said from over Hermione's shoulder.

"It's a pleasure to see you Mrs. Granger" (Y/n) said to her.

"Hermione would you show him to his room?" Mrs. Granger told Hermione. She nodded and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and lead him up the stairs to an unoccupied room with a neatly made bed.

"So we're not sharing a room Hermione?" He asked her smugly.

Her face went red. "I wish" she said, kissing him passionately. "Although we'll be leaving for the Burrow soon, so I'd recommend not unpacking fully."

After (Y/n) unpacked a few things he joined the Grangers in the living room.

Most of him time at the Grangers was spent relaxing, reading, and having a little fun with Hermione. (Y/n) also spent quite a bit of time talking with Hermione's parents, who had graciously let him stay with them.

Soon it was time for Hermione and (Y/n) to head off to the Burrow.

"Now be safe dear" Mrs. Granger said pulling her into a tight hug. "And you too (Y/n) it was a pleasure to have you here." She said hugging (Y/n) as well.

"Thank you Mrs. Granger." (Y/n) said. "It's been amazing here"

(Y/n) grabbed Hermione's trunk for her just as Mrs. Weasley popped out of the Granger's fire.

"Ah (Y/n) dear how are you?" She asked pulling him into a tight hug. "And how are you Hermione?" She said pulling her into a hug as well.

Mrs. Weasley chatted with the Grangers for a bit before she, Hermione and (Y/n) took the fireplace to the Burrow.

"Hermione" Ron said from the kitchen pulling her into an awkward hug.

"Oh? Hi Ron?" Hermione said surprised, "it's good to see you too"

"Hey Ron I'm here too you know" (Y/n) said from beside Hermione.

"Oh" Ron said his face going red. "I didn't know you were coming too.... Did mum pick you up before she got Hermione?" Ron asked.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora