Chapter 5: OWLs

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After a bit Harry started to eat his breakfast, while they chatted idly, until the conversation fell back onto Dumbledore.

"Oh yeah he'll be giving me private lessons this year" Harry said nonchalantly.

"You sure kept that quiet!" Ron said slightly shocked and slightly outraged.

"I only just remembered, he told me last night, in the broom shed" Harry explained.

"Ah I love broom sheds" (Y/n) said "I once nursed an injured fire crab back to health in a broom shed—the second shed my baby dragon burnt down the first one— anyway he was great, well until he was spooked by a bird one night and sort of burnt down the shed... again"

"Do all of your stories include something burning down?" Ron asked him amused.

"Yeah mostly, oh except the time my brother annoyed me by stealing my teddy bear... oh wait I ended up burning his eyebrows off, never mind." (Y/n) said. "Anyway what's Dumbledore gonna be teaching you?"

"I'm not sure, but it'll probably have to do with the prophecy" Harry told them.

"Nobody knows what it said though" Hermione said in a hushed voice.

"The glass ball that smashed wasn't the only record of the prophecy. I heard the whole thing in Dumbledore's office, from what it said it seems that I'll have to be the one to finish him off" Harry told them.

Just then there was a loud bang and Hermione disappeared behind a large puff of black smoke.

"Hermione!" The three of the said, and (Y/n) rushes over to her. She emerged from the smoke, one of her eyes surrounded but a loud purple bruise.

"I squeezed it... and it punched me!" She said, still holding the box, and (Y/n) could see that there was a little fist on a spring sticking out of it.

"Don't worry we can fix that up quickly" (Y/n) said rummaging in his arm "I must a potion for this somewhere" he muttered.

"Don't worry about it mum'll be able to fix it up" Ron said.

"Oh never mind that now" Hermione said closing (Y/n)'s arm. "Harry, oh Harry..." she said.

"We wondered what it said, obviously we didn't say anything to you but based on what Lucius Malfoy said it seemed that something like this would happen" she told Harry.

"Are you scared?" She whispered to Harry after staring at him for a moment.

"Not as much as at first" he said.

"That's the spirit mate, death's only the next great adventure isn't it?" (Y/n) said patting him on the back.

Harry nodded with him "at first I was scared... but know, it's almost as though I always knew I'd have to face him in the end."

"When we heard Dumbledore was collecting you we thought he'd say something about the prophecy, and I guess we were sorta right, weren't we?" Ron said.

"He wouldn't be giving you lessons if he thought you were a goner would he? Wouldn't waste his time, he must thing you've got a chance!" Ron said enthusiastically.

"Great pep talk Ronald" (Y/n) said sarcastically.

"I wonder what he'll teach you Harry?" Hermione said thoughtfully "really advance defensive magic, probably powerful countercurses... anti-jinxes..." Hermione trailed off int thought.

"How to write a will maybe" (Y/n) added, earning a reproachful look from Hermione.

"Anything else slip your mind mate?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Oh yeah he said the OWL results should be coming out today" Harry said as though it we nothing.

"Today!" Shrieked Hermione jumping time her feet "I need to see if any letters have come!" And she ran out of the room.

"How did you forgot that!" (Y/n) said to him "Hermione's been worrying about this since the end of the term!" And he got up and followed Hermione out of the room.

Eventually Harry and Ron joined Hermione and (Y/n) in the kitchen. Hermione was sitting on a stool with Mrs Weasley standing in front of her with her wand in her hand, and a book open next to her. (Y/n) was on her other side trying to calm her.

"It just won't budge" Mrs Weasley said annoyed.

"It'll be Fred and George's idea of a joke" Ginny said from the kitchen table. "A bruise that won't come off"

"Yes very funny" Hermione said sarcastically before turning to Mrs Weasley "but it has to come off! I can't go walking around looking like this forever!"

"Don't worry dear it'll come off" Mrs Weasley said soothingly.

"Don't worry love we'll find something" (Y/n) said, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"Bill told me Fred and George we very amusing" Fleur said smiling.

"Yes, I can hardly breath for laughing!" Hermione snapped at her, before getting up and pacing around the room.

"Mrs Weasley you're quite, quite sure you haven't gotten any letters today? No owls have arrived?" Hermione asked her again.

"Yes I'm quite sure dear, I'd have notice" Mrs Weasley said in a motherly patient voice. "But it's till early."

"I know I messed up ancient runes, I definitely made at least one serious mistranslation, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts practical was not good at all. I thought transfigurations was alright, but looking back..." Hermione said talking rapidly.

"Hermione will you shut up! You're not the only one who's nervous!" Ron snapped at her, (Y/n) pulled of his arm and chucked it hard at Ron's head.

(Y/n) then grabbed Hermione's shoulders and kissed her on the lips to quiet her down. "It'll be alright Hermione" he told a very shocked looking Hermione.

"What happens if we fail?" Harry asked the room at large.

"We discuss our options with our head of house, I asked Professor McGonagall at the end of last term" Hermione answered.

Fleur then made her presence known once more. "At Beauxbaton we 'ave a different way of doing eet. I zink eet is better. We sat our examinations at the end of zee sixth year, not zee fifth—"

But the rest of her words were drowned out in Hermione's scream. She was pointing out the window at four dots that were growing large by the second.

"They definitely look like owls" Ron said hoarsely.

"I dunno they could Hippogriffs that are just really far away" (Y/n) said trying to lighten the mood.

"They're definitely four of them" Harry added ignoring (Y/n).

"One for each of us" Hermione said scared.

The four owls flew directly at the burrow and into the window, landing in front of the them, each with a large envelope tied to their legs.

(Y/n) helped Hermione untie her envelope, as her hands were shaking so much, that it was causing her owl to shake as she tried to get the envelope off.

(Y/n) then got his envelope untied, and with a quick glance at the others, opened it.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now