Chapter 15: I'm running out of names for chapters

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The feast ended with the the usual scraping of benches as everyone got up and went to leave.

Harry however stated back pretending to tie his shoe along with Ron.

"God well if Ron isn't going to do his job someone will have to" (Y/n) muttered to himself pulling out Malfoy's old prefect badge out of his arm and tapping it with his wand changing the silver and green of Slytherin to the gold and red of Gryffindor.

He then made his way towards the front of the crowd, shouting for first years to follow him.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing?" Hermione asked as she saw him with the badge on his robes.

"Doing Ron's job since he obviously can't do that.... Oi stop that!" He shouted at a second year who was attempting to knock over a suit of armor.

They arrived at the Gryffindor common room, where (Y/n) gave the new first years a spectacle by conjuring a flaming griffin from his wand that ran around the room, and may have set a few pillow and curtains on fire, before showing the new first years where their rooms were.

The next morning Harry told him and Hermione what had happened with Malloy on the train.

"Well he was obviously showing off for Parkinson wasn't he?" Ron said after Harry explained that he thought Voldemort had given Malfoy a task.

"Well... maybe" Hermione said uncertainty "it would be like Malfoy make himself seem more important than he is... but that's a big lie to tell"

"Dunno probably a bit of both" (Y/n) said "voldy probably gave him some tiny task to get Malfoy out of his hair, well scalp doesn't really have hair does he, and Malfoy's just making a big deal out of it"

"It's rude to point!" Ron snapped at a particularly small first year boy, who jumped and ran away.

(Y/n) scowled at Ron "that was pretty mean Ronald"

Ron ignored him. "I love being a sixth year, and we're going to be getting free periods this year. Whole periods where we can just sit up here and relax." Ron said with a dreamy look.

"Ron you're going to need that time to study" Hermione told him.

"Maybe not you Ron, I mean studying can only get you so far" (Y/n) said sniggering.

Hermione glared at (Y/n) and Harry let out a laugh. "What?" Ron said looking between all of them.

"Proves my point" (Y/n) said.

"Hold it!" Hermione said sticking her arm into front of a fourth year who was trying to push past them with a green frisbee clutched in his hand.

"Fanged frisbees are banned, hand it over" Hermione said sternly glaring at the boy who reluctantly gave up the frisbee before ducking under Hermione's arm and running after his friend.

"Excellent!" Ron said snatching the frisbee from Hermione. "I've always wanted one of these"

Hermione started to scold him but it was drowned out by Lavender's giggling.

At breakfast the four of them talked about Hagrid and care of magical creatures.

"He doesn't actually think we're continuing it does he?" Hermione asked "I mean when has any of us expressed any.... enthusiasm"

"Me" (Y/n) said raising his hand. "I can't wait for it!"

"Let's put it this way" Ron said "when has any sane person showed enthusiasm in Hagrid's classes" (Y/n) slowly put his hand down.

"I've got so much to show Hagrid" (Y/n) said excitedly pulling open his arm. "Look at this" he pulled out a brightly colored bird "it's a Fwooper, I bought her off someone at Diagon Alley, cute isn't she? Her names Veronica."

"And look at this" he said pulling out a small gold colored bird "a snidget! They were what they used to use in place of snitches. I call him snotch, snotch the snitch."

The other looked between each other clearly sharing the same thought, (Y/n) was an absolute madman.

McGonagall was walking down the table distributing time tables to everyone.

"Potter charms, Defense against the dark arts, Herbology, transfiguration all fine but what about potions, I thought it was your ambition to become an auror" McGonagall asked Harry.

"It was but you said I had to get an Outstanding to continue" Harry said looking a bit down.

"As you did when Professor Snape was teaching, but Professor Slughorn is more than happy to take anyone with an Exceeds Expectations. Here is your schedule Potter" she said tapping a blank schedule and handing it to him.

"Oh and by the way twenty hopefuls have put down their names for the quidditch team I shall past the list on to you soon"

"Now then (L/n) let's see charms transfiguration, potions, defense against the dark arts, Herbology, care of magical creatures and Divinations. The only problem with this is that divinations and care of magical creatures are at the same ti-"

"I'll do magical creatures Professor" (Y/n) said quickly. McGonagall smiled at him. "Good choice."

"Now then this is a heavy class load especially for NEWT year, but I expect you can handle it" McGonagall said handing him his schedule, and he heading off towards potions.

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