Chapter 48: A train ride

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The train ride home was pretty boring, Ron and Harry had gotten a compartment together, like usual.

(Y/n) stepped in to say hi to them, but immediately left after he heard Harry talking about his suspicions of Malfoy again.

After that he just walked around the train for a bit, before entering into Luna's compartment.

"How'd you find a compartment all to yourself?" (Y/n) asked her surprised.

"I suspect it has something to do with the Nargles in here" Luna said dreamily with her spectrespecs on, not looking up from her side ways magazine.

"Yeah... yeah definitely the Nargles" (Y/n) said glaring at the passerby's that had stopped to star at Luna.

They talked for a while about various mythical creatures and whatnot.

"Hey you wanna get out of here?" (Y/n) asked her standing up from his seat and closing the blind on the compartment door.

"Sure why not" Luna said getting up as well, and swatting away the invisible Nargles from around his head.

(Y/n) pulled open the window of the train, and climbed out onto the roof of the train, grabbing Luna's hand and helping her up to the roof as well.

"It's quite lovely up here" Luna said to (Y/n) taking a seat next to him.

"Yeah it really is nice isn't it?" (Y/n) said. "I came up here with Fred and George once"

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The trolley witch asked them, almost appearing out of nowhere.

"Not right now thanks" (Y/n) told her with a smile. "And we're not trying to sneak off the train, just looking at the views."

"She goes a little crazy when people try to get off the train. Trust me" he whispered to Luna.

"So I heard you broke Cormac's rib" Luna said to him dreamily.

"What? Who told you that! That's a complete lie! I broke three of his ribs." (Y/n) told her proudly.

Luna giggled. "I didn't quite like him that much. The Nargles seemed to though, they wouldn't stop swarming his head"

"Yeah he's a really piece of work"

"Dad wanted me to tell you something by the way" Luna told him changing the subject.

"Hmm what's that then?" (Y/n) asked her curiously.

"Well he said that a witch in brown ragged robes accompanied by a silvery raven came to the door the other day. She said something about being a messenger, Hermes or something like that. She asked dad about you" Luna explained to him.

"Huh what do you mean? Who was it?" (Y/n) asked her.

"I don't know, although she seemed to know a lot of about you, although they were some differences, like she thought your mum was still alive" Luna told him.

"It's odd really, she seemed to know so much about you yet so little as well." Luna said thinking out loud.

"Yeah it's... yeah it's really weird. Hey did your dad happen to mention if she had like a pocket watch or something like that?" (Y/n) asked her curiously.

"Hm I'm not sure, I'll ask dad about it though. He'll know for sure" Luna said to him, before looking back out at the sky. "You ever think what's out there?"

"What you mean out in space?" (Y/n) asked her.

"No I mean on the other side, like what other stories are out there, things that could've gone differently, who we could've been if we had done things differently?" Luna asked him still looking up at the clouds.

"You know I have thought about that quite a bit like what if mum never died you know how different my life would be and all that" (Y/n) told her.

"Yeah but who knows maybe things would be worse" Luna pointed out.

"Guess you're right" (Y/n) said deep in thought about his mum.

"Come on we should probably get back into the train it'll be arriving at kings cross soon" Luna said getting up and the two of them reentered the train through the window.

Hi sorry for the shorter chapter but this just seemed like a good place to stop, I'm hoping to get another chapter out later tonight but for now this is all.

See y'all later hope you're all doing great!!

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora