Chapter 50: Christmas Eve

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It was later that night and everyone was crammed into the Weasley's living room. Ginny had decorated the house earlier in the break, and hand just put the angel on the top of the tree.

Only Fred, George, Harry, Ron, (Y/n), and Ginny knew that the angel was actually a garden gnome, whose brother had been drop kicked into next week by (Y/n).

It had been stupefied, painted gold, and stuffed in a miniature tutu, with small wings glued into its back glaring down at everyone from atop its green perch.

Harry was sitting near Mr Weasley and Lupin and was discussing the various recent arrests and The Who things were going with the order, will (Y/n) sat on the floor next to Lupin, reading a book about wand making.

"So where have you been lately Lupin? I haven't gotten an letters from you?" Harry asked him.

"I've been underground." Lupin told him. "Almost literally, so I haven't been able to write. That would give me away."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked him confused.

"I've been living amongst my fellows. My equals" Lupin explained.

"He's been living with werewolves Harry" (Y/n) told a still confused looking Harry, looking very Hermione-esk with only his eyes visible above the boom.

"Hermione really is rubbing off on you mate" Harry said, pointing out how much he was looking like Hermione.

"Well anyway nearly all of them are on Voldemort's side and Dumbledore wanted a spy, and well here I am ready made" Lupin said bitterly.

"I'm not complaining it's work that needs to be done, and who better than I" Lupin added smiling slightly at them. "It's just been hard to gain their trust. I bear unmistakable marks of having to live amongst wizards, you see where they have have shunned normal societies."

"How come they like Voldemort?" Harry asked him curious.

"Well they think they'll have a better life under his rule. And with Greyback out there it's hard to argue" Lupin explained.

"Who's Greyback?" Harry asked.

"He's like the boogeyman but hairier, and uglier" (Y/n) said to Harry not looking up from his book.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard of him" Lupin continued. "He is perhaps the most savage werewolf alive to this day. His life goal is to infect as many people as possible.

"He specializes in children. He bites them young and raises them to hate wizards. He wants to create enough werewolves to overthrow wizards. Voldemort uses him as a threat to parents that don't comply with him."

"It was Fenrir Greyback who bit me" Lupin told them solemnly.

"What? When you were a kid?" Harry asked his mouth open.

"My dad had offended him. I didn't know for the longest the identity of who bit me. I even felt bad for them thinking they couldn't control it, knowing full well how it felt to transform."

"But Fenrir's not like that he knew full well what he was doing. He would position himself near his victims before he transformed to make sure he got them, he plans it all out. And that's who Voldemort has in charge of the werwolves."

"But surely a lot of the werewolves know Voldemort is just using them as pawns?" (Y/n) pointed out.

"Yes well there are a few that can see that but they're too afraid of Greyback and Voldemort to do anything but hide" Lupin explained to them.

"And well I can't say that my arguments are making much headway against Greyback's insistence that werewolves deserve revenge and the blood of normal people"

"But you are normal you just have a... a problem" Harry said passionately. Lupin let out a laugh at this.

"If only more people saw things the same way" (Y/n) replied knowing that there was a lot of prejudice against werewolves.

They continued to talk for a while longer into the night. Mr Weasley was asleep in his armchair, with Fleur cuddling Bill and Mrs Weasley shooting them nasty looks every now and then.

Fred and George were whispering to themselves over in the corner of the room, occasionally pointing to Ron, who like his dad was asleep, and laughing. Harry was still talking with Lupin, and (Y/n) was deeply engrossed in his book on wand making.

Suddenly there was a bang that shook the whole house, causing Mr Weasley to jump up to his feet, and pull his wand out. Lupin, Bill, Harry, and (Y/n) we're all on their feet too with their wands held high.

Fred and George had run over to make sure their mum was okay, while Bill check on Ginny and Fleur. Ron however was still sleeping in his chair, snoring.

"Stay here I'm going to check what's going on" Lupin said, with Mr Weasley and Bill following behind, with Harry and (Y/n) trailing behind them. There was another loud bang, followed by several loud cracks.

(Y/n) pointed his wand into the tall grass that marked the border of the Weasley's property, having seen figures moving in it. He sent a burst of red sparks out into it, and clearly saw the outline of multiple people hiding in it.

"We're not alone" (Y/n) whispered to the others who nodded in confirmation. Lupin made a motion to investigate, when a ball of fire shot out of the grass and hit the burrow, lighting fire to the roof.

"MOLLY, FRED, GEORGE, GINNY" Mr Weasley roared, running back into the house to get the others out. There were more streams of fire sent towards the house as the others ran out of it.

Harry seemed to catch a glimpse of a person in the grass and charged off headlong after them.

"Harry wait!" (Y/n), and Ginny pushed past him and ran after him. Lupin made to follow but suddenly a ring of fire sprang up around the border of the burrow, causing Lupin to flinch backwards.

"Goddamnit Harry do you ever use that itty bitty brain of yours" (Y/n) muttered to himself before taking a breath and running full speed into the fire.

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