Chapter 34: Care of Magical Creatures

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After a thorough scolding from Professor Sprout the lesson was over and they left the greenhouse.

"Where did you even get that knife anyway?" Hermione asked as they walked across the grounds healing the myriad cuts across (Y/n)'s body.

"Eh don't even remember must've nicked it from somewhere" (Y/n) said nonchalantly.

"And why did you think it would be a good idea to bring it to school?" Hermione questioned, sounding slightly amused.

"You never know when Voldemort could jump out at me" (Y/n) said pulling the knife out again and slashing at the empty air.

"You were going to fight he who must not be named, the dark lord himself, with a bloody knife?" Ron asked with a laugh.

"It damn well be bloody when I'm done with him" (Y/n) proclaimed confidently. "Anyway I better get going, I've got class with Hagrid. I'll see you guys later"

He waved bye to the others before heading down towards Hagrid's hut.

"Hey Grace how's it?" (Y/n) upon reaching the hut and seeing the short girl standing outside.

"Eh not too bad, just got a lot of work you know" she replied.

He only really ever saw her during care of magical creatures class and few other class and she had been looking a lot more tired and overworked lately, she was also looking rather pale as if she hadn't been outside the castle for a spell.

"Yeah tell me about it, at least we've got this to for a bit of fun" (Y/n) commented brightly.

"Good of yeh ter say that (Y/n)" Hagrid said walking out of the forbidden forest, his crossbow over his shoulder and his pink umbrella clutched in his other.

"Well seeing as yer all 'ere might as well get started then" Hagrid said motioning for them to follow him.

"Now then we've got a big task set fer us" Hagrid explained as he led them into the forest.

"Professor Slughorn needs some rare ingredients fer some of his potions, and 'e's asked me to get 'em fer 'im"

At this point they had left any visible trail and Grace and (Y/n) were struggling to keep up with Hagrid.

"Hey Hagrid" (Y/n) patted, helping Grace up, who had tripped over an overgrown root. "Think you could slow down a little"

"Oh yeah" Hagrid said stopping and turning to them. "Fergot that yeh didn't know the forest as well as I did"

He waiting for a second while they caught their breath, and patched up a few tears from where their robes had gotten caught on some rough branches.

"Where are we going Hagrid?" Grace asked him, still out of breath.

"Ah well as I was sayin' Professor Slughorn has asked us teh get some ingredients fer 'im. So today we're looking for a bicorn" he finished proudly.

"A bicorn!" Grace said in surprise. "They live in this forest?"

"Well sorta. Yeh see a few years back I was able to buy a couple o eggs off a man in a pub" Hagrid said scratching his beard. "And well when they got a bit too big fer my hut I released 'em into the forest" Hagrid explained.

"And now they come in handy whenever their horns are needed for potions. Anyway I reckon it's only a big farther in now"

They kept walking farther into the forest. "Yeh may want to draw yer wands out now" Hagrid said, pulling his crossbow off his shoulder and holding it at the ready.

"Lumos" mutter (Y/n), lighting the tip of his wand with a faint silvery light.

"Thanks (Y/n) that'll give us some 'elp" Hagrid said before slowly continuing deeper into the heart of the forest.

"Slow down 'ere" Hagrid said stooping down and examining a tree trunk. "Get some light over 'ere would yeh"

(Y/n) slowly made his way over to Hagrid and bent down so that the silvery light illuminated the trunk with a warm glow.

"Come on Grace, bit closer now" Hagrid said calling her over. "See that there?" Hagrid asked pointing out a torn clump of fur stuck to a ragged part of the bark.

"That there is Bicorn fur" Hagrid said pulling the clump off. "Not much magical uses, but often used for coats and gloves" he explained.

"And look 'ere" he said motioning them to follow him. "Broken twigs 'ere and hoof prints. They went this way"

"These look pretty fresh Hagrid" (Y/n) commented bending closer to them, and examining the freshly made prints.

"Right yeh are (Y/n) ten points to Gryffindor. These 'ere are new they shouldn't be too far now" Hagrid said straightening up and slowly following the trail.

They walked for a while longer in silence before Hagrid held up his hand and motioned them to move closer.

"Look over there" he whisper point in between two trees. Both (Y/n) and Grace squinted their eyes and focus on the gap between the trees, just in time to see a large cow like creature pass the gap.

"Was that a bicorn Hagrid?" Grace asked in a timid voice.

"Yer correct there Grace. And it's a biggun at that" Hagrid marveled at the creature.

"I've never seen one before" Grace said in awe "They're so much bigger than I thought"

"Alright we 'ave to be careful now, Bicorns are aggressive creatures that's one of the reasons their horns are so valuable" Hagrid said slowly edging his way closer, with (Y/n) right behind him, and Grace trailing a bit of a way behind them both.

"So how did we get the horn then?" (Y/n) asked eagerly.

"Well they shed 'em right? So the best way is to sneak up behind 'im and find 'em" Hagrid whisper back not taking his eyes off the trees.

"How do we know if it's horns have shed?"
(Y/n) asked excitedly.

"Well usually the horns'll look as though they're about to fall off. Look there!" Hagrid said in an excited whisper pointing towards a Bicorn that had emerged from behind a tree, their horns looking loose and as though a small breeze would knock them off.

"Looks like 'e's about ready to drop 'em" Hagrid whispered.

Suddenly the Bicorn charged at a nearby tree, knocking its horns off.

"I've got them!" (Y/n) said getting up and quickly walking over towards the fallen horns.

"No (Y/n)! Wait!" Hagrid whisper shouted getting to his feet.

The Bicorn turned around as (Y/n) stepped on a stick and charged towards (Y/n), who was barley able to jump to the side and dodge it.

"Over 'ere!" Hagrid called waving his arms in the air, attracting the Bicorn, who let out a growl before charging at Hagrid, who pulled out a dead ferret from his coat and throwing it into the forest.

He then sidestepped the Bicorn as it charged off after the ferret.

"Yer lucky (Y/n) you could've died!" Hagrid scolded him. "I told yeh we had to sneak up in 'em not charge directly at it!"

"I'm sorry Hagrid I just got excited." (Y/n) said ashamed. "But hey we got the horns!" He said walking over to the shed horns and picking them up. "And look Hagrid there are some more over here."

Hagrid followed him and scooped up the horns and stowed them away in his coat. "Well I guess that's all fer today" Hagrid said to them. "Where's Grace?"

"I'm here" a scared voice said, as Grace walked out from behind a tree she was hiding behind. "Sorry I got a bit scared" she said.

"Ah don'tcha worry about it" Hagrid said with a smile. "Come on then let's head back" he said.

"Hey Hagrid do ya think I could keep this?"
(Y/n) asked holding up one of the horns.

"Yeah I 'suppose so we've got more 'an enough 'ere" Hagrid said, before walking back out of the forest.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now