Chapter 57: Cheating

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Potions class was uncomfortable to say the least. Hermione was still not talking to Ron, and had moved her cauldron closer to (Y/n) and Ernie, with Ron and Harry on the other side of the desk.

Like usual (Y/n) wasn't paying too much attention, Slughorn was saying something about Grawp's third law.

"So what are we doing Mione?" (Y/n) asked lazily, flicking his wand occasionally to put out the fire under Ron's cauldron, entertaining himself watching Ron struggle to keep the fire under his cauldron lit.

"Do you ever pay attention?" Asked Hermione handing him a small vial. "We're synthesizing antidotes for poisons."

"Hmm sounds fun, not very practical though is it? If you are poisoned I doubt you'd have time to synthesize an antidote before you die, you'd be better off with a bezoar" (Y/n) said boredly, getting started.

"How're ya doing Harry?" (Y/n) asked him, failing miserably to keep the glee out of his voice, as he watched Harry frantically searching through his copy of the textbook, knowing that the prince wouldn't be able to help him with this.

"Anything in the prince's book to help you out?" Hermione asked him, clearly tired of him taking credit for others work.

(Y/n) had to admit it was very satisfying to watch Harry struggle. "Have you tried tasting it mate? Might help." (Y/n) goaded him, happy Harry's little cheating secret would finally be exposed.

It was even better when Slughorn made his first round to each of their cauldrons, making a b-line straight to Harry's with excitement on his face, looking into his cauldron, before pulling back his head seconds later coughing.

"Well I'm sure you'll get it m'boy" Slughorn said through his coughs.

"Ah Miss Granger, Mr (L/n) very good, very good" Slughorn said after having recovered from the contents of Harry's cauldron.

Before (Y/n) knew it the time was up, he had just barely finished, and had managed to make a, probably, effective antidote.

"Well now let's see how everyone has done" Slughorn said walking around the room looking over everyone's work.

"Ah very good Mr (L/n) very good indeed almost perfect" Slughorn praised him. "Ten points to Gryffindor"

(Y/n) smiled smugly at Harry who was looking very calm for not having completed his antidote at all.

"And what have you got for me Harry?" Slughorn asked him eagerly.

Harry was sitting laid back in his chair and simply opened his hand. In the center of it sat a single small shriveled brown stone. A bezoar.

(Y/n) thought for a moment that Slughorn was going to shout at him, but instead he simply threw back his head and laughed.

"You've got nerve m'boy" he said with a laugh. "Yes a bezoar would certainly work as an antidote for any of the poisons here, although not for every poison and they are rare to come by."

Hermione and (Y/n) glared at Harry as he simply sat smugly smiling at them. Ernie's cauldron, as well as many of the other cauldrons in the room, started to boil over as the fires beneath them grew larger and larger.

"Very smart Harry, very smart indeed. This is what potion makers need, ingenuity and creativity!" Slughorn said singing his praise.

(Y/n) felt anger burning up inside of him, Harry cheated, of course he had found a way to cheat at this.

"How did you think of this Harry" Slughorn asked him.

"Well professor it was actually something (Y/n) said" Harry replied, clearly relishing in every moment of this. "He said that in most cases with poisons like these there wouldn't be enough time to make an antidote."

There was a loud series of popping sounds as several cauldrons exploded around the rooms, the fires underneath them ten times the size that they should be.

"My goodness!" Slughorn cried pulling out his wand and putting out the fires "Is anyone hurt?" He asked to which he was met with negative murmurs.

At this point though (Y/n) had slipped out of the classroom and was stomping down the hallways trying to calm down. He didn't know why this had made him so angry, he was just so sick and tired of the golden boy being given everything that he wanted even if he didn't deserve it.

"You ok (Y/n)?" Grace's voiced called after him, causing (Y/n) to stop and turn around. "You're uh leaving a trail of fire behind you" she said point at a line fire leading back towards the dungeons.

"Oh I didn't realize" (Y/n) replied looking back at the fire.

"What's got you all fired up" She asked him with a small chuckle.

"Oh just Harry" (Y/n) told her, sneaking behind a nearby portrait into a hidden passageway, in order to avoid any ease dropping students.

"Oh boy what's he done this time?" she asked him taking a seat on the stone floor.

(Y/n) took a seat beside her and explained to her what happened.

"Hmm seems like Harry does this a lot then? I mean let's be honest he's not even that smart is he?" Grace asked him.

"Well I mean, he's not a total idiot" (Y/n) replied to her thinking.

"Look all I'm saying is that you've done so much for him, think of how many times you've saved him, yet he hogs all the glory doesn't he?" Grace explained to him.

"Well I mean it's not like that" (Y/n) said defending his friend. "Harry's a good guy, he's always been there for me"

"Yeah I get that but does he really do anything for you?" Grace asked him looking at him. "Look all that I'm trying to say is that Harry might be holding you back (Y/n), I mean you're one of the best wizards of our year"

"I guess so" (Y/n) said scratching the back of his head. "But that's only because I've had my friends with me, like Hermione, Harry and even Ron."

"Or is it despite your having them?" Grace asked him seriously. "Well anyway that's just my opinion" she said back to her normal joyful voice.

"Just think on what I said (Y/n) alright, I don't want to see a great wizard get held back by others always relying on him." She told him getting to her feet.

(Y/n) simply sat there for a second, as Grace retied her pink scarf around her neck.

"(Y/n) I consider you one of my friends, I just don't want anything bad to happen to you alright" she said in a strangely familiar sounding sweet voice, before walking back out the portrait and into the hallway.

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