Chapter 28: Intriguing Chapter title

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"Well well (Y/n) seems you've gotten up to some mischief. Well we were all young at one point in our lives" Slughorn said with a laugh, patting him on the back.

"Well I think that's everything I need here... Harry m'boy!" Slughorn suddenly called out waving a big meaty hand into the crowd.

(Y/n) looked over to where he was waving and say a sullen looking Harry, attempting to unsuccessfully worm his way back through the crowd.

"That's three of my little parties you've missed now, that won't do m'boy not at all. Miss Granger loves them, and Mr (L/n) here too."

"Yes well they're really-" Hermione started before Slughorn steamrolled over her.

"So why don't you come along, Harry" Slughorn inquired.

"Well Professor I've had quidditch practice" Harry said, as he had been scheduling practices every time Slughorn sent him an invite.

"Hey Harry aren't you the captain? Couldn't you just reschedule the practices?" (Y/n) asked with a mischievous smirk, receiving a hate filled glare from Harry in turn.

"Well I certainly expect you to win your first match after all this practice, but a little fun never hurt anyone, now how about Monday night, you can't possible want to practice in this weather..." Slughorn trailed off hopefully.

"I can't Professor I've got an uhh appointment with Professor Dumbledore that night" Harry said attempting, and failing, to keep the glee out of his voice.

"Ah well unlucky again" Slughorn said with a sigh, before bumping in Ron and walking away without even noticing him.

"You should come Harry, they're not even that bad, they can be interesting sometimes even" Hermione said unconvincingly.

"The foods good" (Y/n) added "And making fun of Mclaggen is always fun"

"Come on let's go to the three broomsticks" Harry said, starting to shiver. "It'll at least be warm in there."

"Dung!" Ron called out as they reached the pub, causing a stout squat man to jump, dropping an ancient suitcase, which burst open spilling its contents all over the snow.

"Ah 'ello Ron, ah and you to 'Arry" Mundungus said quickly, scrabbling to collect the items from the snow.

"Hey let me help" Harry said bending over to pick up an old looking pocket watch.

"No!" Mundungus snapped, snatching the watch from the ground quickly. "I mean don't worry yourself I've got it, you four just enjoy yourselv- Ahh!" Mundungus let out a yelp and the palm of his hand caught fire. He dropped the watch and quickly plunged his hand into the snow.

(Y/n) stepped forward with a fire burning in his eyes. "Aah ah (Y/n) I-uhh how are you-everything-uhh-how's the weather?" Mundungus stammered edging his way closer to the watch in the snow.

"Don't" was all (Y/n) said, as another fire erupted next to Mundungus's foot causing him to jump away and get out another yelp.

"(Y/n) what are you-" Harry started, but was cut off as (Y/n) scooped up a goblet from the snow and tossed it to Harry.

"Take a look" (Y/n) said not taking his eyes of Mundungus.

Harry looked down at the goblet confused for a second, before dropping the goblet into the snow and pulling his wand out and pointing it at Mundungus.

"That's the Black family crest" Harry said through gritted teeth.

"And that" (Y/n) said point to the pocket watch in the snow "was in my parents attic"

"Wha-what n-no of course not I would nev-" Mundungus started before he was picked up off his feet and was flung into the pub wall.

"Don't. Lie. To. Me." (Y/n) snarled.

"(Y/n) don't he's not worth it" Hermione said in a quiet voice.

"Ye-yeah I'm not worth it (Y/-" Mundungus stammered, before being cut off by (Y/n).

"You went to my house and nicked their stuff, you probably couldn't wait until my dad was gone just so you could break in and steal as much as you could carry" (Y/n) spat at him.

"And you probably went to Sirius's place the day after he died didn't you!" Harry shouted.

"(L/n) Potter that's enough" Snape's cold voice said breaking through the howling wind. (Y/n) turned around, breaking his focus, letting Mundungus fall to the snow.

There was a loud crack and then Mundungus was gone, along with his case.

"COME BACK HERE YOU THIEVING-!" Harry shouted into the snow.

"There's no point Harry he's long gone, probably in the middle of London by now" Tonks said almost appearing out of nowhere.

"The next time I see him he's dead" Harry said coldly.

"Potter... next time act quicker" Snape said walking out of the snow. "(L/n) a word"

(Y/n) stooped down and picked up the old pocket watch from the snow and followed Snape.

"Do you realize what you just did (L/n)?" Snape asked, walking into a side alley near the pub.

"Missed my opportunity to get rid of a slimy rat?" (Y/n) said still angry.

"Other than that?" Snape replied with a slight smile. (Y/n) remained silent.

"You just attacked a member of the order, possibly broke the law by attacking another wizard, and most importantly did all of that without the use of a wand" Snape explained to him.

(Y/n) stood there for a second before realizing that he had never pulled out his wand during that whole encounter.

"It was a very impressive feat (Y/n)" Snape said in an oddly soft voice. "I think I have an idea for our lessons, I will see you in my office on Wednesday (Y/n)" Snape said before turning around and walking back off into the snow.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now