Chapter 53: Christmas in St Mungo's

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(Y/n) opened his with much effort, his eye lids feeling as though they were made of lead.

He looked around slowly attempting to take in his surroundings. He wasn't able to take in much before a mass of brown bushy hair obscured his vision.

"(Y/N)!! You're okay!" Hermione cried, flinging her arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight, and painful, hug.

"Hermione!" (Y/n) replied, equal parts surprised and relieve to see her. "Hermione where am I?"

"You're in Saint Mungo's (Y/n) you were..." Hermione trailed off before a second familiar voice finished her sentence for her.

"Poisoned" Grace finished walking over from a chair in the corner, giving Hermione a strange look, one missed by both Hermione and (Y/n).

"Yes yes thank you Grace" Hermione said pulling her into a hug, causing Grace to flinch backwards. "Thank you for being there to help him"

"Yes well least I could do" Grace told her, clearly uncomfortable. "Could you give us a moment" Grace told Hermione rather than asking.

"Oh well okay I'll just be outside (Y/n)" Hermione said looking surprised before exiting the room.

"How are you feeling (Y/n)?" Graced asked him, pulling up a chair.

"What was that with Hermione?" (Y/n) asked her.

"You saw that. Course you did. I didn't really have the best childhood... that's all I'm saying so don't ask about it" Grace directed him.

(Y/n) had to admit Grace could be scary sometimes.

"Okay then. Well... well happened anyway?" (Y/n) asked her.

"Well apparently that healer that was so conveniently staying at the leaky cauldron? Turns out he was a death eater" Graces explained.

"Well that would explain why he tried to run away so quickly." (Y/n) commented.

"Exactly. Anyway Tom said he had only just checked in that night, only an hour or so before you arrived, weirdly convent isn't it? Not to mention he had stuffed his mask into is bag. Not very smart if you asked me"

"So... he confessed did he?" (Y/n) asked her curious.

"Not exactly but the evidence is quite damning isn't it? He just so happens to check in shortly before you arrive, has his mask hidden in his bag, the way he was so quick to leave after he gave you the poison? Seems pretty clear to me" Grace told him.

"Yes I guess. Have they tried veritaserum yet?" (Y/n) asked still taking all the information in.

"No point in it is there? I mean if he was assigned to poison you he's probably pretty high up the chain of command right? So the dark lord probably would've trained him to resist veritaserum wouldn't he?" Grace told him.

"I.. I guess so yeah. Has he had his trial yet?" (Y/n) continued to question.

"Not yet he's been placed in Azkaban for the time, his trials not till next week though." Grace explained. "It's lucky that they were able to catch him though. And that you happened to have a beezor with you too. They say that save you life."

The chatted for a little bit longer before Grace said she had to leave and wished him a speedy recovery.

"How're you doing mate?" Harry asked him as he Ron and Hermione entered back into his room.

"Other than being poisoned, not bad I mean I got my own room, a killer pain in my side, and the healers aren't sure what the hell I was poisoned with" (Y/n) told them with a weak chuckle.

"They did say I acted quick enough so I should be released soon, maybe even later tonight."

"That's great!" Harry said placing a wrapped present on his nightstand. "That's for Christmas alright"

"Thanks mate but you didn't need to" (Y/n) said before he was cut off.

"Don't start (Y/n) you're one of my best mates course I got you a gift." Harry and smiling at him.

"And I got you these" Ron said handing him an almost empty box of Bertie Bott's.

"Umm Ron I think you might've gotten a bit jipped. They sold you an empty box." (Y/n) said shaking the box, hearing only the sad rattle of a few beans.

"Yeah well I got hungry waiting for you... and well I may have eaten a few of them" Ron said sheepishly, causing (Y/n) to roll his eyes.

"Don't forget the chocolate frogs you got him either, those went first" Harry added, causing them all to laugh.

They say down for a bit, Ron filled them all in first explaining that no one was hurt in the fire, and that most of the damage had been cosmetic and that it had already been fixed.

Then (Y/n) told them what happened in the clearing, and about the mysterious figure that had approached him.

"You don't suppose it was" Hermione said before lowering her voice so that it was barely above a whisper "Voldemort"

"If it was Voldemort he would've just killed him where he stood right?" Harry said to her, (Y/n) nodding in support. "You know maybe it was Malfoy-"

"Nope. No talk about Malfoy in this room" said (Y/n) annoyed. "Any way couldn't've been he stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays, no way he could've gotten all the way out the burrow without Dumbledore knowing"

"You don't suppose-" Ron started before stopping. "Well it could've been... well death could it?"

The was a silence in the room before (Y/n)'s laugh broke it. "Really Ron? Death? Deaths not a real person it's a concept. What next the boogey man was under those robes? Freddy Krueger?" (Y/n) said through his laughs.

"Well I don't know mum used to read me fairy tales like the tale of the three brothers and others like that" Ron said clearly dead serious.

"Ron death isn't a person or anything like that it's a concept, there's not a person wearing dark robes walking around with a scythe waiting for you to kick the bucket" (Y/n) told him, attempting, and failing, to hold back his laughs.

"I'm just saying, crazier things have happened. I mean you don't see people walking around with he who must not be named's face on the back of his head do you" Ron said defensively.

Ron ha him there, people with faces on the back of their heads was definitely not a common occurrence.

The rest of the day went by in a flash, as the three of them talked and joked like normal, forgetting their qualms with each other, forgetting their theories about certain blond headed gits, forgetting they had been poisoned, and forgetting silly notions about death or some god of the underworld searching to find (Y/n).

Soon it was night. Ron and Harry had left a little bit ago, and Hermione was laying on the bed next to (Y/n). Apparently the healers at St Mungo's were a lot more chill than madame Pomfrey.

It wasn't long after that that a healer told him he was free to go, giving him a potion to help with the healing, telling him to watch for any secondary symptoms and prescribing lots of bed rest.

But all through this there was on  thought that (Y/n) couldn't shake from his mind. Who was under that cloak?

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now