Chapter 22: Tryouts

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"Ugh" Harry let out a groan and set his head on the table. It had been a few days since Harry lesson with Dumbledore and he was sitting in the Gryffindor common room looking over a long piece of parchment, with Ginny next to her.

"Something the matter Harry?" (Y/n) asked walking over to them.

"It's the quidditch recruits, looking at this list were in trouble" Harry said lifting his head off the table slightly.

"But there's so many" (Y/n) looking over Harry at the list "there's bound to be good ones in there"

"That's the problem" Ginny said. "It's going to take forever to sift through this lot"

"Well just set a date for the tryouts and get started" (Y/n) suggested. "And I can help you if you want, I used to play with my brothers all the time."

"I can use all the help I can get" Harry said raising his head from the table and grinning slightly.

As the week progresses the work load got harder and harder, the spells were harder, the essays longer, the plants more dangerous. But soon, even thought it didn't feel soon, it was Saturday again.

"We have to go and explain" Hermione said upon seeing that Hagrid was not at the staff table for breakfast.

"We've got quidditch tryouts this morning!" Ron said "and we have homework to do!"

"Maybe if you had done it when you got it instead of when it's due you wouldn't be this worried" (Y/n) said in a sing sing voice.

"Anyway what are we going to explain to him huh? That we hate his classes?" Ron said scowling at (Y/n)

"We didn't hate it!" Hermione said angrily to Ron.

"Yeah speak for yourself" Ron said scoffing. "I haven't forgotten about the skrewts."

"I hate not talking to Hagrid, I miss him" Hermione said sadly.

"We'll go down after tryouts" Harry told her "but judging by the number of people it'll probably take all morning. I guess a lot of people are getting into quidditch now"

"Oh come on Harry they're not in it for the quidditch they're in it for you" Hermione said rather impatiently.

"Hey come on Harry everyone either wants to date you or kill you" (Y/n) said. "And I'm pretty sure Voldemort falls into both of those categories"

(Y/n) shuddered, just the thought of Voldemort liking someone made him squirm.

"Everyone knows you're telling the truth now. The ministry's admitted that Voldemort is back and they're even calling you the chosen one now" Hermione explained.

"And you've been through so much persecution from the ministry, you still have the marks on the back of your hand from where that horrible witch made you write with your own blood-"

"You still see the scars from where the brains got a hold of me" Ron said rolling his sleeve up.

"Oh come on Ronald" (Y/n) said squinting "you can barely even see them, plus that was your own stupidity" he pulled his shirt up to show his scarred chest.

There were the scars that Voldemort had given him, spanning across his upper chest writing out the word traitor. Underneath that spanning from the bottom of his left lung across to his red hip bone was the deep scar that Dolohov had left him with last year.

"That's not a scar, this is a scar" (Y/n) said before tugging his shirt back down.

They headed down to the quidditch pitch, and they heard the crowd before they saw it.

"I'll see you guys later" Hermione said heading over to the stands to get a seat to watch them.

"Everyone" Harry called out in front of the crowd. "Hey listen up" they crowd continued to talk.

"Oi shut it!" Ginny cried from beside him, causing the crowd to quiet down and pay attention.

"Thanks Gin" Harry muttered to her. "Okay well we've got a lot of people here today so to start off I want everyone to do a few laps around the pitch just get warmed up"

(Y/n) saw that Ginny and Harry were right about the tryouts, as there were a lot of people who couldn't even get off the ground.

"Okay then Umm let's split up into groups, so anyone trying out for beaters go over there, chasers over there and keepers over there" Harry said pointing to three spots on the pitch.

(Y/n) pulled his brothers old broom out of his arm, causing a large number of the younger recruits to scream, and even one to pass out.

Harry started by testing out the chasers, having them fly around and throw the quaffle into an unguarded hoop.

There were a lot of people who couldn't even fly while holding the quaffle in their hands. Eventually Harry and narrowed it down to a selection of people actually able to fly and throw a quaffle at the same time.

By the end of it Harry had chosen his three chasers, Katie Bell who was returning to the team for another year, Ginny who had put flown the competition with an almost perfect tryout, and Demelza Robins who was particularly good at dodging bludgers.

Next they moved onto the beater which wasn't as bad, less people had shown up for this. After only a couple dozen broken bones, mostly by (Y/n) whacking a bludger at the new recruits, who could hardly hold the bat let along hit the bludger back, the Gryffindor team had two new beaters.

Neither of them were close to the level of Fred and George, but Jimmy Peaks a short and broad chested third year was able to raise a lump the size of an egg on the back of Harry's head, and Ritchie Coote a weedy looking kid who was particularly good at aiming his shots were the new Gryffindor beaters.

Finally they moved onto the keeper tryouts.

"Harry good to see you again" McLaggen said walking up to Harry.

"Um yeah you too" Harry said not looking at him, still focused on trying to calm down the crowd of upset students that hadn't made the team.

"Cormac McLaggen, keeper" he said outstretching his hand. Harry took it quickly. "Look can you wait over there with of the rest of the potentials" Harry told him sounding annoyed.

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