Chapter 36: Cheating and Winning

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"Is Ron okay" Hermione asked Harry and
(Y/n) as they entered the common room. "He just stormed by here, wouldn't even say a word to me"

"We just ran into Ginny and Dean snogging in the hall" Harry explained.

"Why would he be upset about that?" Hermione asked. "I mean I know she's his sister, but really it's none of his business"

"Exactly" (Y/n) said before taking a seat next to Hermione.

"I'll go make sure he's okay" Harry said quickly and walking up towards the dormitory.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" Hermione asked him

"Yes. Well sorta" (Y/n) said turning to look her in the eyes. "I didn't know you kissed Krum"

Hermione's face turned a bit red. "Well it never really came up in conversation" she said in a meek voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Well I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a bit jealous." (Y/n) told her.

"You're not mad are you?" She asked him.

"Of course not" (Y/n) said with a smile. "I can't be mad that you kissed someone else, that would be petty of me to hold that against you, it just would've been nice to have known that's all"

"Well it never really came up, but I understand what you are saying" Hermione said, her face still a little red.

(Y/n) pulled her into a passionate kiss, which she reciprocated. "I love you Hermione."

"I love you too (Y/n), and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" Hermione replied, looking a lot more relieved.

The next few days things started to change.
(Y/n) and Hermione were still going strong which was a great thing, but Ron was now giving the cold shoulder not only to Ginny and Dean but also for some reason to (Y/n) and a very confused Hermione.

Ron started to get more aggressive as well lashing out at people for the smallest things, especially towards (Y/n), who's usual jokes and comments were now causing Ron to fly off the handle.

Because of this, well more accurately because Hermione asked him to, he was spending as little time with Ron as possible, and when he was around him he was trying his best to keep his tongue in check, which was no small feat.

This kept on until the day of Gryffindor's quidditch match against Slytherin.

All four of them were walking through the Great Hall, the first time they had done this together in a while.

"Cheer up Ron!" Lavender called out to him. "You're going to do great!" This cause Ron to smile and cheer up slightly.

"I told you Harry, I'm resigning. After this match McLaggen can have my spot" Ron said not looking up from his plate.

(Y/n) had to bite his tongue not to make a snarky comment about to Ron giving up when the going gets tough.

Harry however ignored this, and was making a big deal of pouring Ron a glass of pumpkin juice, appearing to fiddle with something in his pocket.

"Have it your way Ron. Pumpkins juice?" He asked casually, holding the glass out towards him.

Ron didn't say anything and just took the glass form him.

"Don't drink that Ron!" Hermione said sharply looking at Harry's palm. (Y/n) followed suit and saw a small crystal vial clutched in his hand.

"Harry you could get expelled for this" Hermione scolded him. At this point Ron saw what was in Harry's hand and quickly gulped down the juice.

"Of course" (Y/n) said coldly. "You cheated to get that and now you're going to use it to cheat in quidditch I'm not surprised"

Harry slipped the vial back into his pocket and stood up confidently. Ron rose too following him. "Come on Harry we've got a match to win" he said with a newly invoked vigor in his voice.

"I can't believe he did that!" Hermione ranted angrily to (Y/n).

"I can. He's the famous Harry Potter he gets to do whatever he wants. He can cheat all he wants and nothing and ever happens to him" (Y/n) replied bitterly, angry that Harry was once again cheating, and even angrier that Ron went along with it.

That match was amazing, with Ron making some spectacular saves, and Ginny scored almost every goal of the match.

The matched ended once Harry caught the snitch, and Ginny flew her broom straight into the commentators box, claiming that she forgot to brake.

Hey guys! Sorry this part is a little bit short, but I thought this was a good place to stop and given that I don't have any organization skills at all this part ended up being shorter, so yeah.

Anyway hope all of y'all are doing well! Also once again happy pride month to every!!

And finally if any of y'all got questions about me or about the series or anything in general please ask I'm more than happy to answer questions.

Alright I'll see all you lovely lovely people in the next chapter, I hope on uploading another chapter later today but that may not be up until tomorrow so just a heads up.

This series has really allowed me to be more confident not just in my writing but just in myself in general and I've gotten so much positive feedback, all of you have been so amazing so I just want to thank you guys for everything, because without you I doubt this series would be a thing.

Alright then I think I've droned on for long enough now I love all of y'alls I hope this series makes all your days just a little bit better, and I'll see you in the next update.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now