Chapter 17: The Draught of Living Death

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There was lots of scraping as everyone in class scurried to collect the ingredients needed for the potion.

(Y/n) instead looked over the steps first. This potion was incredibly difficult, more so than any other he had made before.

He pulled out his scales, as Hermione returned back to the table ladened with ingredients, handing some of them to (Y/n).

"That's all I could carry I'm miss a few" Hermione said starting to make her way back to the cupboard.

"No I got them" (Y/n) said quickly, getting up. "Plus you need all the time you can get love" he said winking at her as she scowled at him quickly before bending over her cauldron.

(Y/n) grabbed the remains ingredients, gave Hermione the ones she needed and started on his potion.

At first it was going well, and he could see that he was already ahead of everyone. Malfoy was bent over his book carefully reading over it before returning to his cauldron.

Hermione was close behind (Y/n) only a step or two behind him, and Ron was... well Ron was Ron, his potion wasn't the color it was suppose to be in any of the steps.

Harry however seemed to be a few steps ahead of him, which confused (Y/n), because as much as he liked Harry he wasn't exactly sharpest knife in the drawer.

It was going pretty well for (Y/n) until he came to the Sopophorus bean, which he could not for the life of him cut in half.

"God Damn it" (Y/n) said frustrated, slamming the bean with blunt side of his silver knife, which crushed it and caused a lot of juice to burst out of the bean.

(Y/n) quickly grabbed a vial and filled it with the juice from the bean. He then look at the vial examining the juice for a second before shrugging and muttering "Juice is juice"

"How are you doing that!" Hermione demanded of Harry as he had progressed leagues beyond the others.

"Add a clockwise-" Harry started.

"No the book says anti-clockwise!" Hermione insisted her face going red. Harry just shrugged and went back to the potion.

After a while (Y/n) just had to stir the potion anti-clockwise. He counted in his head as he did this because he liked to see the minimum amount of stirs it would take whenever he made potions.

"One. Two. Three." He counted in his head before looking up at Hermione and getting distracted.

Her hair was even brushier than from all the smoke and fumes in the class room, and her face look really cute as bent over her book rereading the recipe again.

Hi it's me the author

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Hi it's me the author. Just wanted to say this will probably be the only time I include an image and only because this is one of my favorite pictures of Hermione. She looks so adorable in this photo.

(Y/n) stopped for a second. "How may times did I stir this? Seven right?" He thought to himself and then stirred clock-wise, before mentally kicking himself and looking back at the recipe.

It clearly said stir anti-clockwise, how could he have forgot. He looked back at his potion and to his surprise it had already started to change to the blue color that was described in the book.

(Y/n) simply shrugged. "I mean if it works it works" before stirring it seven times anti clock-wise and adding a clock-wise stir after that, and before long his potion was looking like the book described.

"And time.... is... up!" Slughorn's aid looking at his pocket watch. He then walked around the room looking into each persons cauldron, occasionally giving it a stir or a sniff.

He passed by Malfoy's quickly, and didn't even bother giving Ron's a second glance. He gave Hermione an approving nod after examining her potion.

"My lord" he said stopping at (Y/n)'s potion. "I think we have a winner" Slughorn said beaming at (Y/n).

"Very good (Y/n) very good! An almost perfect draught of living death in an hour, I haven't seen a potion this good since, well since Professor Snape was a student here. Very good (Y/n) I am impressed."

(Y/n) smiled with pride at Slughorn, knowing that this had been one of the hardest potions he had ever made before. Hermione gave him a smile, an encouraging, yet disappointed, smile. He knew Hermione had tried her best, he knew she'd be disappointed.

Slughorn patted (Y/n) on the back before starting towards the front desk.

"Sir" Harry called startling (Y/n). "Sir you forgot to look at mine sir"

This confused (Y/n). Harry had never been the best at potions, and he knew it. Why would he call Slughorn over?

"Oh I almost forgot m'boy, very sorry" Slughorn said making his way back to Harry.

"Good lord!" He exclaimed, causing (Y/n)'s heart to fall. "Bad luck (Y/n) bad luck, this is a perfect potion, even better than Professor Snape did on his first try."

"No way!" (Y/n) blurted out.

"I know you must be upset (Y/n) but he brewed a better potion" Slughorn said giving him a sympathetic look.

"But how... Harry... how... Harry...." he said flabbergasted.

"How had Harry done it? He was terrible at potions, there was no way that he could've gotten that good over the summer" (Y/n) thought to himself.

"He hadn't even planned on taking the class, he hadn't even bought the textbook... the book! It had to be the book, it's the only different thing" he thought eyeing the battered and torn book Harry clutched in his hand as though it would save his life.

Slughorn had been praising Harry during this time and he handed him the small crystal vial full of Felix Felicis. 

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