Chapter 46: Christmas Cock

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"Well that was... something" Slughorn said with a laugh. "Now now where'd Severus run off to?" He said looking around the room. "He never did like my little party's not even when he was a student here."

"Was he part of the slug club?" (Y/n) asked Slughorn curious.

"Oh yes, I hand picked him myself. He was, and is, a brilliant wizard. Although if it wasn't for your mother (Y/n) I doubt Severus would have shown up to any of these" Slughorn explained, not even noticing that Harry was sneaking out of the party.

"My mum?" (Y/n) asked surprised.

"Oh yes yes Elizabeth and Severus were close friends, yes she always dragged him to these things" Slughorn said lost in his memories.

"I thought Snape and my dad were friends?" (Y/n) asked Slughorn.

"Yes well they were, but they met through Elizabeth if I remember they met in their first year. Very good friends the two of them, always chatting during class and whatnot." Slughorn continued, not realizing that Luna also had drifted off at this point.

"Yes well the both of them were, well they were brilliant two of the best potion makers I've ever met, must be where you got it from my boy" Slughorn said patting him on the back.

"Yes they were practically inseparable, she was there for him when other picked on him, and well he was there when Steven broke her heart-"

"My dad Steven?" (Y/n) asked him surprised, not realizing that Hermione had left as well, leaving just him and Slughorn.

"Ah well I may have said too much, it would probably be best if you asked him yourself" Slughorn told him, looking slightly flustered.

"Yeah well about that..." (Y/n) started before trailing off.

"Oh yes I... I forgot I'm sorry (Y/n)" Slughorn said solemnly.

"Nah it's fine" (Y/n) lied, his heart feeling as that it had just been drop kicked into his kidneys.

"Yes well from what I know Severus was there for her and well...." He trailed off again. "Well never mind that never mind that now, this is a party go so go and have some fun" Slughorn told him.

"Yeah I'll see you around professor" (Y/n) said looking around trying to find Hermione. His heart was aching after that and truthfully he was bloody confused.

"Well... so dad dumped mum" (Y/n) thought to himself. "And Snape was there for her right. So then did Snape and my mum ever...? Nah no way I mean... but it's possible isn't it?" (Y/n) had been lost in thought he hadn't even realized he had walked right in it Hermione.

"Oh (Y/n)! Thank god" Hermione said pulling him out of his thoughts. "Well I've got to go now" Hermione said to someone before grabbing (Y/n)'s hand.

"Hey wait up Mione" Cormac said, grabbing Hermione by the arm.

"I told you my name is Hermione" she told Cormac coldly.

"Oh come on Mione I know you like it when I call you that" Cormac said pulling her back towards him.

"Please let go of me" Hermione told him angrily.

"Oh come on Mione, playing hard to get I know you want me" Cormac said pulling Hermione closer to him.

"Let her go" (Y/n) said stepping in.

"Look (Y/n) this doesn't involve you, so why don't you just run back to your daddy... oh wait you can't" Cormac said, clearly having had a little too much to drink.

"Look McLaggen go home alright, that way no one needs to get hurt" (Y/n) said pulling his hand off of Hermione's arm.

"You think I'm scared of you!" Cormac hissed at him, moving his face within inches of (Y/n)'s. "I'm not scared of some parent-less little shit"

"You know you really make trolls look like Aphrodite, have you ever thought about being a wing man? You could make even voldy mc-no-nose look like a catch" (Y/n) replied standing his ground.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cormac replied glaring at him.

"Oh boy don't think too hard about it, you might overload your one brain cell" (Y/n) retorted with a snort.

"Yeah well at least I'm not a little one armed bitch" Cormac said pushing (Y/n) backwards.

"Really that's the best you could come up with? I know you're thicker than a confounded mountain troll whose taken one too many rocks to the head but really that's the best you can do?" (Y/n) asked him feigning surprise. "I can see why you're not in Ravenclaw, and I guess when Helga Hufflepuff said she'd take the rest she didn't think about you.

"But the thing I don't understand the most is how you're in Gryffindor, I mean the only thing courageous about you is the fact you thought you could go to Hogwarts when the only thing magical about you is the size of your ego." (Y/n) told him with a smirk. 

He felt the blow before he saw the fist coming towards him. For someone his size Cormac was surprisingly nimble.

He heard a sickening cracked, and pain radiated from his nose and through his face. He felt a warm liquid run down from his nose and over onto his chin.

"Really is that the best you can do?" (Y/n) asked him straighten up. "A blind gnome hopped up on pepper-up potion could hit harder than that."

He felt another sharp blow, this time to his side, caused him to double over, and grab onto the edge of a table to stop him from falling over.

"Do you ever shut up" Cormac growled at him through gritted teeth.

"You know *cough* I've been told that a lot" (Y/n) said pushing himself up straighten using the table for support. "But if moldy mc-no-pigment can't shut me up I doubt anyone could"

"Just shut up!" Cormac threw another punch at (Y/n), but this time he quickly dodged it.

"Really that it? Aren't keepers supposed to be quick and nimble, you're about as coordinated as drugged up giant, tripping to balance on a strip of wood the size of your little flobberworm" (Y/n) told with a laugh.

"Why won't you just shut your shut little mouth" Cormac shouted, swinging his fist wildly, completely missing (Y/n).

He pulled out his wand, but (Y/n) was quicker and had pulled his own out and said. "Melofors" before Cormac had gotten his hand out of his pocket.

"Ah what the hell, you little bugger!" Cormac shouted, his head now encased in a large pumpkin.

"Not really very seasonal though is it?" He called out to the crowd that had gather around to watch the fight. He waved his wand again and the pumpkin transfigured into a large snowball.

"Anyone have a carrot, and some coal? Cormac I'm sure you'll get some for Christmas" (Y/n) mocked him.

"Let me out of here you dumb pillock!" Cormac shouted waving his arms blindly.

"Here let me help you" (Y/n), before punching him hard in the gut causing Cormac to fall over backwards, the snowball breaking when it hit the ground.

"Now that is a real punch" (Y/n) said standing over the now unconscious Cormac.

"What's going on here?" Slughorn cried as he ran over to them. "What happened?"

"Umm well professor you see the thing that happens is..." (Y/n) started, his brain already planning out what excuse to use to get out of this one.

"Mclaggen attacked (L/n) here, he was simply defending himself" Snape said appearing to walk out of nowhere. "I will take Mclaggen to the hospital wing, and work out the punishment from there"

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now