Chapter 70: Broken mirrors and Broken noses

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"Wow" Ron said in charms class the next morning. They had cast muffliato first in order to not be overheard and then Harry had told them everything he had learnt from Slughorn's memory and what Dumbledore had told him.

"So Dumbledore's actually going to take you when he finds one of the horcrux thingies?" Ron asked Harry.

"Ugh can you guys be any louder!" (Y/n) told them groggily.

"Still hung over then?" Harry asked him with a chuckle.

"Well no shit Sherlock!" (Y/n) told him, as he mixed the potion he was making in his arm.

"So you really don't remember last night?" Harry asked him slightly concerned.

"No... not really." (Y/n) said slightly embarrassed.

"You don't remember how you got back to the castle?" Harry asked him.

"I told you, I don't even remember leaving Hagrid's castle, and I'm pretty sure I dreamt that a younger version of my mum carried me back to the castle, you know given that she's dead. And then I woke up in Dumbledore's office." (Y/n) told them scooping up a vial of the potion in his arm.

"And did Dumbledore tell you anything?" Harry asked him curiously.

"All he's said was that I must have some guardian angel or some bullshit like that. Well bottoms up" (Y/n) said before downing the vial.

"What is that mate?" Ron asked him.

"Well it'll either cure my hangover or make it so I can't hear you wittering away." (Y/n) told him, before brightening up. "Well I can still hear you so I guess it works."

"Where'd you find that?" Hermione asked him. "I don't remember reading about it anywhere."

"Course you haven't heard of it 'Mione I created it" (Y/n) said proudly.

"What!" Hermione said sounding concerned. "You tested it on yourself!"

"Well yeah how else am I suppose to know if it works or not?" (Y/n) asked her.

"Have you don't this before?" Hermione asked him incredulous.

"Well yeah all the time, why do ya think I'd sprouted horns last year?" (Y/n) asked them.

"Well we supposed it was just you being you." Ron told him. "I mean you are a bit of a loon aren'tcha ya?"

"Well it's thanks to those horns that I've got a potion to breath underwater dog you're welcome." (Y/n) told them.

"Would've helped a few years ago" Harry commented, grimacing at the thought of the taste of gillyweed.

"Oh have you heard Harry?" Hermione asked him. "Dean and Ginny broke up."

"Really!?" Harry asked a little too eagerly. "H-how come?" He added catching himself a little bit.

"Oh something silly really, she said he was always trying to help her through the portrait hole, like she couldn't climb in herself. But they've been rocky for a while now." Hermione explained, a knowing gleam in her eye.

"That puts you in a bit of a dilemma doesn't it?" She asked Harry who had been looking off into the distance for a bit.

"What?" Harry spluttered.

"Well the quidditch team, if Ginny and Dean aren't talking..." Hermione said with a cheeky grin.

"Oh... oh yeah!" Harry said realizing what she was saying.


After charms they had a rare free period that aligned for all three of them, Harry spent it reading the prince's book, like usual, Ron spent it messing around, instead of doing his essay for the next day, Hermione was doing that essay, and (Y/n) was teaching Garth defensive spells.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now