Chalter 68: Apparition Tests

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Harry walked back down from the seventh floor corridor, heading towards the Great Hall sullenly.

"Harry!" Ron called to him through a mouthful of food.

"How'd the practice go?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione as he sat down next to them.

"I did it!" Ron said, bits of food flying across the room. "Well sort of anyway!"

"See I was supposed to apparate to outside Madam Puddifoots tea shop, I mean I over shooting it a bit, ended up near Zonko's but I moved! I actually moved!" Ron explained to Harry enthusiastically.

"Good one I knew you'd get it!" Harry said happy for Ron. "What about you Hermione how'd you do?"

"She was perfect!" Ron said, speaking for Hermione. "Not that I'm surprised she nailed the three D's and then afterwards we went for drinks in the three broomsticks and you should've heard Twycross go on and on about 'Mione, perfect like always."

"So where's (Y/n)?" Hermione asked abruptly, looking a bit uncomfortable, she wasn't used to anyone calling her 'Mione except (Y/n).

"Ah he's run off to... well to wherever it is he runs off to." Harry said nonchalantly, not noticing Hermione was uncomfortable with Ron.

"I see. And how about you Harry? Been up in the Room of Requirements the whole time then?" Hermione asked him.

"Yep." Harry said, not even bothering to try and hide it. "And guess who I ran into? Tonk!"

"Tonks?" Ron repeated surprised. "What's she doing here?"

"She said something about visiting Dumbledore." Harry told them, and he explained the conversation they had had, and how she had started to tear up when he brought up Sirius.

"If you ask me" Ron started. "She cracked up a bit, probably lost his nerve after everything at the ministry."

"It's a bit odd" Hermione said sounding concerned. "She's supposed to be guarding the school, why would she suddenly abandon her post to come see Dumbledore when he's not even here?"

"I had a thought" Harry said slowly. "You don't think... well you know... that maybe she was in love with Sirius?" Hermione and Ron just stared at him.

Harry opened his mouth again to say something else, but the door to the Great Hall burst open, and disembodied head of (Y/n) flew in on a broomstick, with two floating hands lobbing fireworks down at the crowd.

He made a couple more loops, chucking multiple fireworks squarely between Cormac's eyes before flying back out of the Great Hall.

There was a huge commotion as Filch ran in seconds later, his face covered in powder from the fireworks. He shouted something towards the teachers, who simply looked around at each other, knowing this was a normal occurrence before going back to their lunch.

There was also a large portion of the students that sprang up from their seats, and ran out to follow (Y/n). Harry Ron and Hermione simply just looked around at each other, shrugged having been through this so many times, going back to their conversation.

"Anyway Harry what on earth makes you say that?" Hermione asked him.

"Dunno, just a hunch" Harry said to her with a shrug. "But she was nearly crying and all I did was just mention his name, and her Patronus has changed to a big four legged thing now. I wonder whether is, well if it's turned into him"

"It's a thought" Hermione said slowly, deep in thought. "But I still don't know why she'd burst into the castle to see Dumbledore."

"It's like I said" Ron piped up, with a mouthful of mashed potatoes. "She's gone a bit funny, lost her nerve. Women they're easily upset." He said misogynistically, as if it were a fact.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now