Chapter 9: Borgin and Burkes

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"Wonder where his mummy is?" Harry said watching as Draco quickly scurried past the window.

"Given her the slip by the looks of it" Ron said.

"No shit Sherlock" (Y/n) said rolling his eyes.

"Wonder why though?" Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Quickly get under here" Harry said pulling out his invisibility cloak.

"I don't know Harry" Hermione said looking over to Mrs Weasley.

"Oh come on" Ron said, who had already blindly followed Harry under the cloak. Hermione gave one more look to Mrs Weasley and then ducked under the cloak.

(Y/n) let out a sigh and said "welp here we go again" and ducked under after Hermione.

No one seemed to notice that they were gone, as everyone was too preoccupied with Fred and George's products.

They squeezed through the crowds and past Hagrid before running off after Draco.

"He was going that way" Harry said and they rushed off after him, and into Knockturn Alley.

"Ow that's my toe Ron" Hermione said, since they had gotten older there was less and less room under the cloak.

"Oh move over" (Y/n), before turning into a raven and perching on Hermione's shoulder.

The past empty store after empty store until they reached a store called Borgin and Burkes, where there was one sole customer. Malfoy.

"Oh I got this" Ron said, fumbling with the boxes he stole from Fred and George, before pulling out three flesh colored strings.

"Here" he said passing one to Harry and Hermione, the latter of which held her string up so the (Y/n) could listen as well.

For a second there was complete silence before Malfoy's voice come through clear as day.

"You know how to fix it?" Malfoy's voice said clearly.

"Possibly" Borgin said clearly trying not to promise anything. "But I'd need to see it though. Why don't you bring it to the shop?"

"I can't" Malfoy said clearly starting to get annoyed. "It needs to stay put, just tell me how to do it"

"Well you see without being able to work on the it it'll be hard to fix it, it will be a very difficult job, perhaps impossible" Borgin said nervously. "I can't promise anything."

"No?" Malfoy said to him "well then perhaps this will make you more cooperative" and showed him something in his left hand that made Borgin terrified.

"Tell anyone and there will be blood" Malfoy hissed. "You know Fenrir Greyback? He's a family friend. He'll be dropping by from time to time to make sure you are giving the problem your full attention"

"There's no need fo...." Borgin started before being cut off by Malfoy.

"I'll be deciding that. I'll be going and remover keep that one safe, I'll be needing it" Malfoy said triumphantly.

"Perhaps you want to take it with you?" Borgin asked clearly trying to get rid of what ever it was.

"Course not you stupid little man! How would I look carrying that down the street! Just don't sell it" Malfoy sneered.

"Of course not... sir" Borgin replied not looking Malfoy in the eye.

"Not a word to anyone Borgin. And that includes my mother" Malfoy told him threateningly.

"Naturally naturally" he said bowing almost to the floor.

And with that the bell over the door tingled and Malfoy strode out of the store and up Knockturn Alley.

"What was that about?" Ron asked.

"You two stay here (Y/n) come with me" Hermione said, stepping out from the cloak. (Y/n) quickly transformed back to human.

"Hello, horrible weather today isn't it?" Hermione asked cheerily as she walked into the story.

Borgin just grunted as the two of them perused the wares.

"Is this necklace for sale?" Hermione asked looking at a necklace inside of a glass case.

"If you've got one and a half thousand galleons" he replied bitterly, eyeing them wearily.

"Oh well I haven't got that much. And how about this... er lovely skull?" she asked him.

"Sixteen galleons" he replied somehow more bitterly than before.

"So it's for sale then?" Hermione asked. "It's not being.. held for anyone?"

"How about that cabinet?" (Y/n) asked pointing to an ornate cabinet in the corner.

"That's not for sale" Borgin said glaring at him.

"So it's being kept for someone then?" (Y/n) pushing his luck further.

"No, it's a display case, it's not for sale" he said glaring daggers at (Y/n).

"You see the thing is that boy just now, Draco Malfoy, well he's a friend of ours and I want to get him a birthday present, but if he's already reserved something, I obviously don't want to get him the same thing, so... um...." Hermione said trailing off at the end.

"Out." Borgin said coldly "Get Out!" Hermione did not wait and quickly ran out of the store, the bell tingling behind her.

(Y/n) however took his time looking at the different displays, and testing Borgin's patience, before causally strolling out of the door.

After he had left Borgin slammed the door and put up the closed sign.

"Ah well" Ron said throwing the cloak back over them. "But you were a bit obvious"

"Well then next time you can show me how it's done master of mystery!" She snapped back at Ron, and the two of them bickered all the back to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, with (Y/n) egging them on.

They had to stop once they reach the entrance so that they could sneak past an anxious looking Mrs Weasley and Hagrid.

After the snuck back in Harry whipped off the cloak and put it away. The four of them then spent the next ten minutes attempting to explain that they were in the back the whole time, and Mrs Weasley must not have looked properly.

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