Chapter 4: Phlegm

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"So did Slughorn seem like a good teacher?" Hermione asked Harry.

"Well he can't be worse than Umbridge" Harry said with a sigh.

"I know someone worse than Umbridge" Ginny said from the doorway looking irritated. "Hi Harry."

"What's wrong with you?" Ron asked.

"It's her! She's driving me crazy" Ginny said scowling.

"What's she done this time" Hermione asked sounding exasperated.

"It's the way she talks to me! You'd think I was three!" Ginny said.

"I know" Hermione said agreeing with her.

"Too be fair I think she is trying to be nice but it just comes off... condescending, rude, and annoying" (Y/n) said.

"Can't you lay off her for five second" Ron said defending her.

"Course you'd defend her!" Ginny snapped at Ron. "Hoping she'll kiss you on the cheek are you?" Ron's face flushed red at this.

"Yeah we all know who you fantasize about at night Ronald" (Y/n) added.

"Who are you..." Harry started looking utterly lost, but he was cut off as Fleur burst through the bedroom door caring a breakfast tray.

"Arry eets been too long" she said putting the tray down and running over to Harry revealing Mrs Weasley trailing behind her.

"There was no need to bring the tray up I could've done it" Mrs Weasley said to her.

"Eet was no trouble at all. I ave been wanting to see im for a long time. You remember my sister Gabrielle? She never stops talking about Arry Potter. She will be delighted to see you" Fleur said.

"Is? Is she here?" Harry asked in a croaky voice.

"No no of course not seelly boy" Fleur said with a slight laugh. "I mean next summer when we... but you do not know?" He asked turning to Mrs Weasley.

"I hadn't gotten around to it yet no" Mrs Weasley said clearing not trying to lose her temper. "He only just arri-"

"Bill and I are going to be married!" She said excitedly cutting Mrs Weasley off mid sentence.

"Err... well congratulations" Harry said as Fleur swooped over to him talking about Bill and their wedding.

"Mum hates her" Ginny said quietly as Fleur left.

"I do not hate her!" Mrs Weasley said crossly to Ginny "I just think they rushed into this engagement that's all"

"They've know each other a year" Ron said still staring at the door with his mouth slightly agape.

"Oh wow a whole year, I've know Hermione for more than a year. Hell I've been dating Hermione for more than a year, you think it'd be alright for us to get married Ron?" (Y/n) asked a rather red faced and cross looking Ron.

"Say Hermione you want to get married?" He asked turning to Hermione, who blushed deeply.

"That's not what I meant" Ron said heatedly to (Y/n).

"Like I said it's not that long" Mrs Weasley said "I know why it's happened of course with the uncertainty with You Know Who coming back and all, people might be dead tomorrow"

"People are rushing all sorts of important decisions they'd normally take their time with. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and centre" Mrs Weasley continued.

"Including you and dad" Ginny added slyly.

"Yes yes well your father and I were made for each other, what was the point of waiting?" Mrs Weasley said heading back down the stairs.

"See maybe we should get married 'Mione made for each other and everything" (Y/n) said planting a kiss on her cheek. Hermione blushed again and hit his arm.

"Don't you get used to her? Being in the same house as her?" Harry asked a drunk looking Ron.

"You do but when she jumps out at you unexpectedly like that..." Ron said trailing off.

"You know I never really got what you saw in her Ron. I mean sure she alright looking, I mean she's no Hermione or anything, but she's quite full of herself" (Y/n) said.

"It's pathetic" Hermione said furiously to Ron.

"Yeah I was just trying to be nice mate" (Y/n) said to Ron giving him a sympathetic look.

"You don't really want her around for ever do you?!" Ginny asked incredulously to Ron, who simply shrugged.

"Well mum will put a stop to it if she can" Ginny said.

"How's she going to do that?" Harry asked skeptically.

"She keeps trying to get Tonks around for dinner hoping Bill will fall for her instead" Ginny explained. "And I hope he does, I'd much rather have Tonks in the family"

"Yeah that'll work" Ron said sarcastically "listen Tonks's great and all but no bloke in their right mind would choose Tonks over Fleur"

"I would" (Y/n) said defiantly to Ron.

"Like I said no bloke in their right mind" Ron retorted, and (Y/n) threw his arm at him.

"She a damn sight nicer than Phlegm" Ginny snapped at Ron.

"And she's more intelligent, she's an Auror" Hermione added in.

"Fleur's not stupid you know, she was good enough to enter the Triwizard tournament" Harry countered.

"Not you too Harry!" Hermione said crossly.

"I bet you like the way she says 'Arry' don't you?" Ginny asked him bitterly. "I'd much rather have Tonks in the family, at least she's a laugh"

"She hasn't been much of a laugh lately has she?" Ron pointed out. "Every time I've seen her she looks more and more like moaning Myrtle"

"Ginny come downstairs and help me with lunch." Mrs Weasley called from the kitchen.

"I'm talking to this lot!" She cried down to her.

"Now!" Mrs Weasley commanded.

"She only wants me there so she doesn't have to be alone with her" she said emphasizing the last word, swung her red hair around in a shockingly accurate impression of Fleur and walked around the room with her arms held aloft like a ballerina.

Book 6: Harry Potter Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now